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Everything posted by danutt

  1. no one? thouht here would at least be an experienced cat on here?
  2. reviews of them im sure can be found on google bro goodluck
  3. will need my guards rolled this weekend or soon as anyone here can do it? got a tool? know a place thats good at it ? thanks in advance
  4. depends where those exact set of springs are madde originally made in europe but now in china and are not at all the same quality and lots of owners experience sag im not sure how you find out where they were made?>? anyone else know?
  5. get some nice stretched look tyres probably 195 50s or with an 8 inch rim 205 50's with that offest you wont need spacers and that also depends on how low you're going to go? if you're gonna go real low skip the spacers if not then you could pump the wheels out slightly but imo you wont need to hope this helps
  6. so where can i buy the race ones for my e30? the sport are not low enough wont take the cahnce at that price so the races are a little lower where to find? cheers
  7. wheels are now up on trademe heres the link: http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-...n-461187199.htm heres the link: dunno what i just did hahah but if you're not interested please pass it on thanks
  8. bump still for sale...will go on trademe this week
  9. sounds like some good ideas id be inclined to go with h & r springs but the rebuilding ?how much ?estimate? shocks are pretty gone but have heard they rebuild them to within 10 %performance of brand new
  10. by the way heard about rebuilding? worth doing? how much?
  11. If i remember rightly they drop the front 60mm and the back 40mm. but thats from the stock E30 height. Motorsport suspension is already about 20mm or so lower than stock all round yea i heard the same thing the m sport being already lower than the standard e30 ill probably go with just front shocks for the time being and h & rs all round comes to 940nzd so viable id say but yea gotta sell the basket weaves haha
  12. i just had a look at the h & r race? how do these sit or how will they sit on an m325i? says the lowering is only 1.6 inches approx 40mm?
  13. thanks heaps works out 428nzd shipped to my door so that is cheaper by another 100bux cheers bro now on the hunt for some good springs whats everyones views on how low to go? i have 17s with 40 profile tyres alpinas on a black motorsport been thinking 60mm front 40mm rear? cheers
  14. damn thats cheap! ill probably get brand new bilsteins i know th recommended spring is the h & r but would kings do a similar job?..jamex will sag im told and the others havnt been around long enough to trust wheres the cheapest place to get h & r's?? reason im asking is i got two quotes for bilsteins and there was nearly 100 bux difference for same product
  15. so taking a m325i e30 should be worth doing as a posed to repurchasing... considering owning the car and replacing most wearing parts with new parts instead of buying another one which could have issues
  16. na the 15inch basket weaves are sometimes called euro weaves...i used the title to differentiate between the two
  17. forgot to mention that id probably swap for some good shocks and lowering springs...try me
  18. yea i agree my point was that it depends on the car and person and that you cant really compare original bbs to aftermarket wheels because of different people and car etc too many variables in any case mine are for sale as im in the need of shocks and springs lol
  19. also know a company who will get them 2 you for very little
  20. you know you want them...pm me haha
  21. goodluck lol they would be even more expensive for euro weaves not sure if they actually sell them from a dealer anymore...would be from germany so add import costs if you are talking about any aftermarket rims then yea they would be cheaper and less rare and everyone would know they cheaper but when it comes to rare euro weaves for an e30 700 is cheap you cant compare aftermarket rims
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