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Everything posted by danutt

  1. what clear coat do you recommend?? most cleaer applications ive heard go yellowish or murky?tips? cheers
  2. someone decided to fit an e38 wood grain steering wheel to my e39 motorsport....changing it for obvious reasons, its got the airbag which im not sure at this point if im going to need for the next steering wheel but ill probably get a wheel with the bag so at this point gauging interest if anyone wants to make me an offer on the wheel ill post up pics later on when i can but the steering wheel is in great condition just not right for my e39 thanks very similar to this http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?rlz=1T4MXGB_enNZ509NZ509&biw=1106&bih=624&tbm=isch&tbnid=3OcFkC9Oif1-xM:&imgrefurl=http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php%3F1831314-Wood-Grain-Steering-Wheel/page2&docid=1m78bA8zhiyiHM&imgurl=http://i944.photobucket.com/albums/ad282/BMW7nl/Forum/10994501.jpg&w=800&h=600&ei=cPZMUqT0OI2ilQXe6oHYAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=2&vpy=297&dur=1141&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=122&ty=155&page=2&tbnh=135&tbnw=178&start=18&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:30,s:0,i:171
  3. gaz youre a crack up...fair enough though but then that leads to the next question...how do i find out if its been remapped? yea as far as i gather the key keeps the stock tune that would of been on there
  4. yea ok fair enough so safe to assume my ecu's been remapped?
  5. http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?um=1&sa=N&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbnid=Ku4RcuRXHcDDCM:&imgrefurl=http://www.migweb.co.uk/forums/engines-transmission/431840-superchips-key.html&docid=xzB3ZNzi39ayYM&imgurl=http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1015/663830499_ad89132640.jpg&w=500&h=333&ei=J7VMUvW0MZGukgX54YDwBQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=360&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=230&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:78&tx=162&ty=80
  6. found this in my car-its a customer key from superchips sitting in the glovebox...car been remapped? this is not the exact chip but it looks exactly like it:)
  7. bump-could trade for thrust arms haha
  8. danutt

    E39 bits

    what you want for the fogs? one of mine blew
  9. pair of e39 bearing FS :)

  10. yea ill give them a go...i know all those guys..was thinking maybe someone was just sitting with a door haha cheers mate
  11. havnt found what the cause is yet but on the way to work hopped in the 5 and nothing ...window wont work all other windows work so just incase i need a motor or regulator or what ever else it could be ...whos got a drivers door laying around with the mech for the window etc in it? cheers
  12. e39 wheel bearings in FS Section :)

  13. Need one asap let me know if you have one and ill. Come get it thanks
  14. Got new bearing for my e39 but by accident made a double purchase got home to find four bearings with hubs.. so Im looking for $200 for both...thats only 100 bux each brand is Optimal..have them installed on my car and its way better:)and they are with hub included and four bolts with loctite on them priced them up and they go for around 230 or 260 each so if youre quick enough youll be getting a good deal:) 021 148 6554 Oh and theyll fit every five series e39 shape except the M5 theyre different need thrust arms haha so need these gone
  15. welcome mate-with those issues that only your e30 has coz all of ours have never been a prblem....hahaha just hop into the maintenance section and ask away
  16. yea they're on my daily driver mate...if i sell itl be for the same price as it costs me to get other wheels so unfortunately unless you are willing to pay that amount since they're farely rare hence im after a swap for something which fits and has some dish thanks pm me if you are keen to negotiate or work something out
  17. hahah jsut realised its u sam hahah sort that s&*t out mate hahah
  18. if you need a better view place a jack under gearbox loosen cross member on gear box easy az two 13mm nuts each side and lower it slowly on the jack add a mirror and torch for extra viewing pleasure haha hope it works out sweet probably a circlip bent and let one of the rods out of its hold
  19. id go with a 3.64 on the e30 i have the lsd and sits just below 3k when at 100-or around there-sounds like you have a 4.27 or there abouts have had that before gives good acceleration but consumption goes up -did a manual coversion on a 318i with 4.45 small case open diff gave very close ratios...have a look at the tag and go from there
  20. go for a 3.5 straight six from an e34 with that budget you can get a lot overhauled and mounts done plus cert and thats a lil beast when done
  21. wheres the like button??hahahah do it once do it right unless you like laying on your back getting sh*t in your eyes haha that sound bad but you get the point
  22. danutt

    Need help

  23. how much coolant though??the level sensors arnt great mines always on water is up to full lol
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