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Everything posted by Yuen

  1. His are a retrofit elmarco. I think you'd be able to retrofit it too, if you have a tiptronic box. Would love to drive with paddles, I'd imagine it's pretty fun.
  2. Stopped reading after seeing a few 'oviously' 'inAPPROPATEly' spelt sentences. Can you take someone seriously when they can't even spell 'here'?
  3. Yuen

    HB Douggie! M3_Cab

    Happy Birthday Doug, enjoy
  4. Yuen

    The X6

    Yes apparently there's a waiting list for it. I think it looks good, and from what I've read, it drives very well with the new technology and new engine. I have to say though it doesn't seem to be very practical - ah well, what can you say, if there's a niche and BMW can make more money...
  5. Since we're on the topic of KMs, what would you guys rather own - a car that's around the 100,000Km mark, or between 150,000 to 200,000? The seemingly obvious answer would be 'the lower the better' but sometimes I wonder. A lot of items seem to need replacing between 100,000 to 150,000Km so something closer to 200,000Km would have had them done and might necessarily be worse... Thoughts?
  6. I agree. This render looks pleasing in the sense that it's safe - not pushing the boundaries a step futher.
  7. Retaliatory feedback is exactly why eBay has changed their system to make sellers unable to post negatives on buyers.
  8. Yuen

    Snow !

    Beautiful pics Foohey. It's bloody cold today in Auckland, feels like a big refrigerator outside!
  9. Thanks for that Jeremy
  10. Sorry typo, did mention it was a CD holder in my first post
  11. All the things you mentioned happen on my computer too. Good points, would be nice to have them fixed/changed.
  12. Anyone know if you can get it changed when the WOF guy enters the KMs wrongly? They seem to happen on a fairly regular basis - my current car has that problem as well.
  13. Interesting. Re: the cd holder, I haven't seen the ones in other Porsches, I meant other (older) cars. Might be the smart Porsche engineers!
  14. Wow it really does look very well cared for. Like new... and it's a 1998! Good luck with the sale, shouldn't be hard. PS: Did the CD storage holder come with the buttons left and right alternately like that? The ones I've seen have them all on one side but I thought this was pretty smart (I'm assuming to prevent people from accidentally pressing two at a time)
  15. Looks promising... See the trailer here. From Jalopnik.com:
  16. Figured some of you might be interested: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-159384239.htm
  17. Same as Wild Weston's car Minus the paddle shifters! I wonder what the reserve is.
  18. The bushes are the offset type btw.
  19. I'm reserving comment until a shot of the car with less camouflage shows up. Exhausts are tidy looking yet reminiscent of Lexus. Not too worried though, I imagine it will be less of a shock than when the first of the Bangle BMWs were released.
  20. Yuen

    Kid slaps his mom

    Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GHWRkaHnZQ Then watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwSBprAaNUI&NR=1
  21. It's an amusing picture, seen it around... though I think they can actually identify each other no problem.
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