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Everything posted by isis

  1. cool - another touring owner on board!
  2. what's wrong with the rotors & calipers on it at the moment?
  3. awesome mate - good one ditching the 4 rings for something thats 20 years older!
  4. isis

    E30 Fog lights

    get a multi meter out & test to see if you got any voltage from the plugs. mine are dead as well...
  5. i have good praises for the JC on the shore. Was after a 15 BBS Mag wheel and Team Mc told me to go to Mag Wheels Direct or something along those lines? WTF Called JC and said BMW has them in stock... Because of this, i will drive to the shore to buy parts from them eventhough i'm 5 mins away from TM
  6. isis

    Soft top care

    http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-218260414.htm would be my best bet if you can't get the original stuff
  7. isis


    A linksys all in one system - router/wirelss & voip
  8. isis


    im on xnet with VOIP. Awesome stuff. but can't get rid of my land line as ive got a monitored alarm system. awaiting for a solution so that i can get rid of the land line all together.
  9. isis


    that is very impressive Glen! hands up if you want to dispose some of that bacon...
  10. welcome...looks like a real work horse with that pic!
  11. you dont' need rear speakers unless you have a driver and sit behind
  12. looks good.. arent you pretty daring putting on those plates when everyone else is getting pinged!
  13. i had my e36 serviced by them when i first bought the car. one of th parts that they told me needed replacing was what you just mention along with a host of other bits. bill came up to $1500
  14. there's someone on tm selling them... or you could get them from BMW
  15. have seen them for sale over in OZ. Though a full system cost about as much as your car! Did i mention they're loud?
  16. isis

    My E30

    nice clean ride! where did you manage to source the Eibach springs? Europlate holder looks good.
  17. yes they're slightly different. same offset and width though
  18. two original with centre caps. two are not. Reasonable thread left on the wheels Fair condition I've rung Jerry Clayton & they cost $420 each. Looking for about $350 if not i'll list it on TM i'll post some pics tomorow when it nice and sunny!
  19. Could be the front wheel bearing. had this issue on the coupe as well.
  20. Yikes! How have you managed to destroy it in one year? is it the low setup?
  21. i got all the bits bar the guide from a wreck i think it makes it easier without it as the headrest slides out a lot easier when you want to fold down the seats - which i do a lot
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