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Everything posted by isis

  1. isis

    E30 Touring

    nice work does increading the cc requires any certs etc?
  2. that look freakin awesome! only ever see rides like this in Europe.
  3. e30's are a good choice with your budget. though you could pick up an early e36 as well. go for the 89-91 E30's - facelift. Try and get a manual if you can. the auto's in the e30s are well.... 318s are pretty economical, 320s are a waste of time
  4. mate that is an awesome car! restore it and don't let it rot away in that field...
  5. isis

    My First Spinout!

    E30s are very tail happy - did on the e30 iS after a week of ownership. signed up for bmw driver training the next day to learn how to control it
  6. i've asked bavarian motors about this - $100+ and about 0.5 hours labour for straight on installation they couldnt tell me which shifter it was.
  7. isis

    Audi's & Accidents

    it looks like they sliced the car in half to get the bodies out?
  8. isis

    Turbo or V8?

    i sold a bmw part to a guy that had an e36 318i that he had turboed - slap it on but was still running on rear drums!
  9. Dont' fill in too much fuel - might balance out
  10. isis

    Xenon upgrade

    original are around 4300K stick with 6k or lower if you can 8k is just rice & annoying to other drivers on the road...
  11. on mine, the bottom plug where the hose connects to was broken and was leaking coolant. it was silicone sealed and clamped tightly! all sorted with a new radiator, which i hope will last for another 20 years, considering the price i paid for it!
  12. what about the front? what do you need?
  13. nice paint job! wish you were based in ack..
  14. forum sponsor on here - mag and tyre could help you with a nice set for 600. those BBS would be worth as much as your car
  15. if you can afford the maintenance bill of a Modern //M, go for it if not keep your car and buy the closest thing to the e30 M3 - e30 318iS for fun
  16. isis

    First Sunday Drive.

    redline stuff are wicked! i've been searching for them here in NZ and am close to importing it in. do you know where i could grab some? cheers
  17. isis

    Gauging Interest

    jeeez obviously an inspection wasn't done when the car was purchased!
  18. that requires quite a bit of money which these young fools dont have, hence the need for a cheaper option..
  19. they have lots more electronic gizmos and can be quite costly to maintain when parts start failing. if you have issues buying a new radiator for the e34, i'd stay away from one!
  20. can't understand what the GE-O is with 6X9 in the parcel shelf? So 90s...
  21. isis

    Gauging Interest

    would be keen on the exhaust if its in reasonable condition
  22. isis

    Supercharging my e30

    you probably get the same amount of power by dropping in a 2.5 and if you have full insurance, might be tad cheaper than telling them you've got a super charger under the hood
  23. i've had mine on the track for a good 3 hours and barely used a quarter of a tank when i left they're awesome!
  24. 2nd page of that post - ray has it on his e30 it'll be cool if he had some in 16!
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