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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/14 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    But what if the haters have a 650whp N54 and drag you in a 3th gear pull from rest? *wont need to shift ohh and I have nothing against an E46 M3, would happily have one in my garage for the windy roads
  2. 2 points
    Just putting "quote" in front of a mangled English sentence doesn't make it clear. Luckily you added another sentence without the double negatives, thanks for the clarification.
  3. 2 points
    my thoughts exactly! and you are right, my intention is never to make a profit on my Bimmersport groupbuys, its just my way of trying to give back to the community Lucan sounds prepared to do the same service, and for cheaper, so its a win for all of us!
  4. 1 point
    Give Tyler a yell, 029 773 3266 and he can sus cheap shipping for ya
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    If I can work out a cheap way to ship an m3 evo mid section from Auckland then I'll have one for yous.
  8. 1 point
    Picked up Bonnie. (Yes my car is named Bonnie.. my other one is named Clyde) Anyway, gave her a good wash, clay bar, polish, wax etc. etc. Installed the new AFE filter. They forgot to hook up my rear parking sensors, so did that. Mechanically seems sound, they did a pressure test, no leaks so far. Did a wheel alignment just in case, since chassis rail was repaired. Anyway, here are some [average] pics (Foglight covers have been blacked out now): My messy garage, where the valet magic happens Here are the Xenons. I think the adjusters are broken... The motor moves the headlight up down automatically, but i think the default position is still kind of angled downwards, more than it should be imo. Who does repairs for this? I don't wanna do it myself. Made a topic here: http://bimmersport.co.nz/topic/51140-e39-xenon-headlight-adjuster-repair-who-can-do-it/
  9. 1 point
    Either you've got way better eyesight than me or you've just outed yourself as a trainspotter! If it is the M50B30 then it's utterly begging for a proper engine swap! LHD is a rather nice place to start a build from too!
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    That would ruin all the fun! I guess turbo also makes for a better DD, more tq down low
  12. 1 point
    I always like SMG, advocate for it. Prove them haters when I drag their manuals with my non existent M3
  13. 1 point
    It okay, I don't have a family of my own, children or toy dogs yet (sorry you beat me too it). So yes a 135i coupe that I can race around the track and daily drive is perfectly fine for me. If you check out the specs you lose about 3cm in width and 24cm in length, most of which is boot space... compared to the 335i Coupe. Check out the image below, my height has no difference between a 135i coupe and a 335i coupe. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I rest my case. The term fruits car would probably be better suited to a convertible 1/3 series, or maybe an MX5
  14. 1 point
    A fruits car (no offence to gays, I have lots of gay friends.. Probably more so than straight friends...) Is a car so small it can't be used for the obvious reasons a large car would be used (families, children, se...you get the idea) It only provides room for your gender identical counterpart and potential toy dog you may like to carry around in a man bag. *disclaimer: please take all above as a joke in a light hearted way - no offence intended for those who are attracted to the same sex*
  15. 1 point
    That's pretty funny. I haven't heard the term 'fruit' for a while!
  16. 1 point
    Honestly. They look like a fruits type of car. You're 6ft4 and it will look like the wrong combination of too big and too small. I was with you on test drive. Just don. Please. Save yourself and get either E46 M3 E92/90 335i Or even a 2 series. They not a flattering car tbh.
  17. 1 point
    Not fun trying to deal with all that weight on the track which Ryan has experienced and now wants something else Cause the e9x M3 is slower then his e60 M5 NA tuning is expensive vs turbo Fuel bills Tunability of the N54 engine Early results with stage2+ turbo (sub 4K US for 600hp+) http://www.bimmerboost.com/content.php?5206-The-BMW-N54-stock-frame-turbo-record-officially-stands-at-an-eye-opening-645-wheel-horsepower
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Out of my price range and too much $$ to mod N/A. Going straight to FBO then Stage2+ Turbo upgrades if the early testers come out with good results. It won't be your regular M135i. Lets just say it is driven to it's potential most days
  20. 1 point
    Yes, but one's like driving a go kart on steroids and the other's like piloting a 2 tonne missile... I'm all for the nuke!!
  21. 1 point
    I just bought some bloody ridiculous 17"x11" 3 piece rims in the hope I can throw even more money at them so that they can fit appropriately on my E34. I own an E34 which kinda infers I like spending all my money on cars....
  22. 1 point
    Andy I don't know why you bothered. Anyone with even half a brain could work out there is nothing in this for you. Everytime I buy stuff it is always dearer than what I expect. I don't have a courier account and just abot everything I send is around $20. Even when you take the exchange rate if you use Paypal there is a margin in it for Paypal so that has to be allowed for. We should have a rule that if someone makes a genuine offer and it gets rubbished we send send the detractor a trailer load of fresh chicken sh*t.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Sorry guys, maybe ask Lucan to order them in for you, he seems to know what hes doing and has nominated himself. Cheers Lucan, I am in on your deal
  25. 1 point
    Holy Thread Revival... Went for a spirited drive out to Omana Park.
  26. 1 point
    Judging by the sugar and fat content I'd say it's life-shortening rather than life changing.
  27. 1 point
    Pretty sure Oli has got rid of this car now as he is over on the GC. Milan, what Chrome bumper parts do you need, and what brakes as I have lots of bits of both?
  28. 1 point
    heres my m20b25 was out off a facelift auto with under 140000kms heard it running and revd through the range sounded sweet only head and block cambelt still attached other parts have been sold cheers $600
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