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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    No worries mate, again sorry about the slowness. Things have slowed down a bit at work so I can now spend a bit more time on it. there are some pretty sweet new features in this release. EG you can now copy an image in your copy paste buffer and directly paste it into a post. No more having to store images remotely and post img code in.
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    All the pinned items in the Maintenance section now take up almost the whole first page (leaves only one actual post visible). Maybe we can condense them down into a sort of FAQ thread?
  4. 1 point
    Really not liking the color matched rub strips, would look so much better with them left black. It needs that contrast to break it up.
  5. 1 point
    This ones done itself a small mischief. Previous owner lived across the road. Had a broken headlight, bumper and smacked in guard before it moved on. Made funny noises before the prang too.
  6. 1 point
    As some of you may know I do a fair bit of electronics tinkering between Toyotas and BMWs Now able to offer my services to repair the annoying E90 LCI tail light issue were the amber indicators get illumination failures Rate is $180 per tail light, including 12 month warranty. If both lights are affected I can do them slightly cheaper at $320 for the pair. Simply remove your light unit, drop off or post to me in Auckland and I can have it sorted within 48-72hrs. TM
  7. 1 point
    Tried to get them when they were on trade me, negotiated a price when they didn't sell
  8. 1 point
    you've got to forgive Michael, the Lexus ad on TV with the guy pressing his nose against the glass perving at the Lexus... that's him. We all love cars, it's a given. But who seriously prefers cars over getting 'executive relief'? I don't drink coffee. Damn.
  9. 1 point
    All I'm saying is the crinkles can be worked out before it goes live. So nobody bitches about it being too light or dark because they can choose, same as we could before.
  10. 1 point
    it's revenge for the war! If I were you I'd call Glenn at Botany Motor Works can have him diagnose and repair, and supply and fit an appropriate battery!
  11. 1 point
    Bimmersport survived the last major update just fine, i'm sure it will this time. The admins have already said they are still working on the theme options, but obviously paid work comes first so im sure the little spare time they have they are faithfully working away at it, however they also have to have a life outside of work and bimmersport. I myself am extremely appreciative of the change, there are a lot of very good features and the "issues" everyone seems to be moaning about are not even remotely unfixable, and indeed with time I can see the crinkles all being ironed out. I am always thankful for the tireless work of our admins, having seen them struggle through numerous setbacks over the years and never have an outage of more than a day, all the while maintaining their day jobs and dealing with equipment failures and other such dramas associated with hosting a forum. Thanks guys, and keep up the good work!
  12. 1 point
    Just as an aside to my previous comment: Andrew, the Honda is clearly ahead of you as you pass the 200m "lanes merge ahead" sign and yet you still attempt to pull ahead into a gap that really doesn't exist... The slogan says merge like a zip not "merge like velcro"! Sorry, but in this case just because you're driving a BMW you don't get my sympathy!
  13. 1 point
    Just wanted to say I really appreciate the hard work you guys do in your 'spare' time to maintain this site.
  14. 1 point
    I get the strong impression you have never worked with a team of volunteers though, Dave. You've only got a soapbox because those guys keep it up and running in their own time and without any remuneration. Yes, they may not please everyone all the time but they want to make it work as well as they can for everyone and as such, are open to feedback, but you can present your feedback with a bit more consideration, I'm sure! Now I'll get off my soapbox. PS Change is good.
  15. 1 point
    Get a WoF, get it re-reg and put it on TradeMe for $6k, seems to be the asking price for 318i Autos at the moment. Previous estimate is about right, depending on what bits and pieces it has.
  16. 1 point
    Mate I dont think its a shove it approach. Would be nice if you could stop tirading around the site spreading BS. I understand you are the type to create a bee in your bonnet about thing when there is no problem but it really has to stop. Its not healthy aye and just makes you angry for no reason. James and myself both work in IT. a little known fact for people outside of IT is that winter time in IT is silly season. Me personally I have just finished doing 2 months straight of 90 hour weeks. James is the same. We barely have time and do what we can when we get moments. Ollie is off running a business but has commited to getting the store up and running. The new software now enables a much better shopping cart and logicistic experience which is cool. Right with that out of the way, We have a couple of options for skins for the new site. We have been looking at a darker translucent theme and lighter 'work friendly' skin as well. We just need to combine it so we get some common consistancy across the look and feel.
  17. 1 point
    Ah... my favorite topic... NZ traffic laws are unworkable in this, and many other situations... The engineering is crap and the drivers are worse... Give up and take public transport... Oh right.. there is none!!
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Hmm ok will see what turns up lol it's not a massively expensive part, and chances are I'll be able to sell it if need be haha In other news, the guys coated MTOY with Gyeon Mohs+ and Phobic today - looking bloody spectacular curing under our lamps MToyGyeon by Christian Taylor, on Flickr
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