Not much happening atm, however i did take a brief look at the transmission, and noticed the guibo had the slightest crack in the rubber and starting to perish, i haven't removed it to get the part number which is hidden on the opposite side, in other news i've ordered some new Slotted Brake Disc Rotors from Darren at NZAD, also need to acquire Brake pads from them, but i am distracted with many other priorities haha.
Still looking at Clutch and Flywheel options, i really wanted to get a lot done this long weekend, but whatever i have atm is what i'll work with for now.
Adjustable suspension is on the to do list, just researching and trying to figure out what is best suited for me. I did contact Speedfactor, regarding the XYZ suspension, but i haven't finalised anything. Patience is key here, has anyone had any experience with running XYZ adjustable suspension?