Looking at their web-site, the level of spec and options you get on what looks to be a very cheap car are pretty good. Although it is very hard to judge the level and quality of the materials used from a few web-pictures. Plus of course then there is the drive and handling to consider, but at first sight on paper they are a halfway decent proposition.
Depreciation is another issue - what the value of a used MG3 would be in 3 years time is anyone's guess, but then who buys a new car as an investment or a rational decision anyways? Costs look to be covered with inclusive servicing and warranty.
The offering from the major Chinese players has improved a long way, especially now they are looking outside their own market, so it could well be a reasonable buy for the budget customer. We shall see how they go. My only real gripe is the blatant ripping off of the "British" heritage in the marketing, and the "since 1924 bit" hmm..