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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/24 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hi All, I'm working on an N52 swap for my E30. It seemed like a good idea when the headgasket blew in the M20. Is there anyone with a stock E30 in the Rotorua area that wouldn't mind if I took a few measurements? There are a few things that I wish I'd worked out before I sold the original engine.
  2. 2 points
    Mate even I have one of these that I tried to get rid off and no one wanted one. I still have it sitting there too
  3. 2 points
    BMW Blue, from your BMW dealer. 1:1 with deionised water.
  4. 1 point
    Looking for one or a pair of 8” style 66 wheels. Just got a set to find one is a 9”, so can trade that if needed and shipping to dunedin
  5. 1 point
    Na no worries, easy done. They were on an E32 when I picked it up, will have a look too as I suspect I may have a 5th on there as well for a spare. Not in any major rush but the sooner it can be arranged, the better - you've got first option, I haven't advertised anywhere else or anything so definitely yours. Just keep in contact, flick me a text or a message on here and we can sort it out closer to the time. Hope the injury wasn't too bad, and the recovery doesn't take long - I know first hand it sucks getting older and having constant injuries!
  6. 1 point
    Sorry @Olaf - as a dog owner it’s something I see frequently. Applicable to all the sloping roof SUV’s though, nothing specifically against the BMW version
  7. 1 point
    Yea I used that. No BMW dealer in Rotorua. Figured I could go to BMW blue later if I really wanted to (on the next flush).
  8. 1 point
    Because people keep perpetuating the myth the genuine stuff its some secret formula that you have to use otherwise you cooling system is going to fail . This is the equivalent which is $84 retail. Its a literally licensed OEM approved. Buy it on special\trade and you getting a decent discount. Another reason to buy Penrite etc stuff is you can get it pretty much anywhere in the country 7 days a week. My mates had Nylon green HOAT sitting in his E36 for over 15 years. Did a cooling system overhaul not too long ago and its perfectly clean.
  9. 1 point
    This topic pops up regularly on all sorts of forums and FB groups and I genuinely don't get why it's still a debate. BMW genuine blue coolant concentrate still works out to roughly the same price as any quality aftermarket equivalents, so why would you bother/gamble with anything else? I guess this green Penrite stuff is the closest equivalent that you'd get off the shelf from SCA - $57 / 5L = $11.40 / L I picked up 4 bottles of BMW concentrate from the dealership the other week, I believe I paid around $120 so is $30 / 1.5L of concentrate. Add to that 5L of demineralized water for $10. Typical fill would be around 6L so you're looking at 2 x $30 + $10 / 6L = $11.60 / L Supposedly, the genuine coolant is made to a specific formulation that works well with the alloy used in the engine block/head and the plastic/rubber parts comprising the cooling system. There's all sorts of debate as to whether that's true, whether other aftermarket coolants made to the required specification do the same thing etc etc. I could understand the inclination to take a chance on that stuff if genuine cost twice as much but there's literally next to no difference in price. If you care about your car, just go genuine. This is the one rare instance when it doesn't cost you anything extra.
  10. 1 point
    thank you for that rather idelible image. never been particularly taken with the X6; that description sticks! 🤣 .... I think you've clocked the internet today, Matt! kudos @balancerider
  11. 1 point
    Decent price. $219 too much for unknown quality.
  12. 1 point
    Great drivetrain but I can imagine the ‘dog taking a sh*t’ silhouette might limit the market somewhat.
  13. 1 point
    Do you go under your leaf so you don't have to look at the top of your leaf?
  14. 1 point
    Most of the cloth seats I've seen are ripped, where as only the dried out leather seats have cracked. I think better off focusing on seats in good condition instead of what type.
  15. 0 points
    Just seems like such a shame to throw away !! Got to get the garage back to some form of order though, out it goes 😕
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