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Everything posted by Haitoman

  1. I'm talking the E46 M3 sport button. Are you guys talking about the M button? It is a well known fact that on an E46 the sport button does nothing except : http://www.m3forum.net/m3forum/showthread.php?t=123378
  2. Ummm...where did you get that statement about the sport button on an M3 switching to a different set of maps etc. because I think you are wrong. Anyone else have a definitive answer?
  3. Fair enough if it comes as part of the package in NZ and includes a couple of years' subscriptions. I guess where I'm coming from is when it is not a new car anymore and the 4th owner has to find many hundreds of dollars per year if he/she wants to use these services when most are available via smartphone connectivity.
  4. All of the features above have been available in the UK since MY2010-11 and are not free. The ConnectedDrive Services package is currently 490 pounds plus VAT and that includes an initial subscription. The annual fee is 150 pounds plus which will be over $300 per year here... That's a lot of cash for that one occasion that you are in a ditch and cant reach your mobile. All of the Internet features can be retro-installed. I get email, sms, BMW apps, weather, twitter-feed etc. on the iDrive screen through my smart phone (6NR teleservices option). Obviously I can't send location information to the Nav from Googlemaps but really...?
  5. ConnectedDrive is a load of very expensive bollocks. Had it in the UK for 4 years and never used it once. The Nav and map features are great around Central London but useless in downtown Eketahuna. SOS feature....great on the M4 or the Autobahn but on the Hutt Road a mobile phone does the job nicely.
  6. How much? I just need it as per the ebay pic. I can get RCA extenders as required.
  7. No, the M button inbetween the arrows below the volume knob.
  8. 1. Switch on radio 2. Within 10 seconds, press and hold down the 'm' button until the serial number appears (takes around 10secs) to enter the radio's service menu. 3. Use the + or - buttons to cycle through the menu settings until you see AREA JAPAN or just JAPAN (varies a bit depending on radio) 4. Use the 1...6 buttons to select either OCEANIA (or OCE) or EUROPE - both are valid settings for New Zealand - see below for differences. 5. Switch radio off to store the change
  9. Yep...and I would add "sounds a whole lot better" to the 530i / 530d comparison. Also, as a former 330i and 330d owner, my experience of the diesel is bad but hopefully was only bad luck. The 320d turbo blew at 120k costing over 5000 bucks which put me right off diesels - hence the move to the 535i instead of a 535d. I admit though that the diesel gave you a good shove in the back if that is what floats your boat.
  10. Try http://www.bmwsections.com/docs/3series/
  11. Just want aux AV into 16x9 widescreen on E46 now that analogue tv has disappeared.
  12. Anyone know if these are available in NZ: http://www.ebay.com/itm/BMW-AV-Input-Lead-For-E46-E39-E83-E85-E53-X3-X5-with-Pro-Navi-and-OEM-TV-Tuner-/200902392456?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item2ec6b73a88 or do I have to purchase off eBay.
  13. I bought a cheapy Peugeot 206 GTI for 100km per day. A ton of get up and go and nearly 200k on the clock. Hasnt missed a beat in 12 months.
  14. The head unit looks a bit cheap. You have bought a premium car and OEM always looks best in these.
  15. If you were in Wellington, I would recommend VTNZ Porirua. Absolutely first class service.
  16. I have one of these....absolutely magic... http://www.harborfreight.com/2-ton-aluminum-racing-floor-jack-with-rapidpump-68051.html
  17. Just check that you have not turned the glovebox lock to valet position.
  18. I was not asked to drain any of my fluids (petrol had to be below 1/4). Insurance was included to the NZ agent depot. NZD3k per car - two in one 40ft container. No UK agents fees. GST was prorata to 8% as I had owned one of them for only 6 months. NZD500 compliance plus first rego costs. No other costs.
  19. No...no and no. This is all not true.
  20. I have just brought both of my cars from the UK. I know eveything you need to know. pm me.
  21. Say to him, "see you in court"....he can't win.
  22. Tricky one, but we have a community here for a reason. I wouldn't do it to anyone and I would like to think 99% of us wouldn't do it. Having said that this country is full of absolute asshats and this is what asshats do.
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