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Everything posted by jeffbebe

  1. It's very economical... If you can drive at 100kmh+ everywhere. Not so good around town... Gulp. Fortunately, mine's a garage queen and a weekend cruiser.
  2. Basically the same as the UK. 110 is a shade under the 70mph limit on UK motorways and dual carriageways. A lot of UK cities now have 20mph speed limits on CBD streets.
  3. Seems sensible on the whole. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11325897
  4. Good on you, hopefully the remedial work doesn't set you back too much.
  5. That's the problem... You won't notice in beige pants. Rogue poodle? I thought every house in Remmers came with a dalmatian and poodle as part of the sale agreement?! PS Enough hijacking... GLWS.
  6. And you can't tell when the poodles shart on them.
  7. Ah, I get it. You've got to swap for an Oxford Green 7er with beige leather. Drop me a line if you're ever over Ponsonby way. I'll pm my number.
  8. What part of town did you settle on?
  9. Doesn't need to be a dream. Mine's been relatively cheap so far (excluding the non essentials my wife/bank manager/etc are complaining about!). Come for a drive sometime. Are you up in Auckland properly now?
  10. Oh man. Would look good next to the 8. Better buy a lotto ticket. Hope it goes to someone who deserves it. PS You better be putting a $$$s aside from the sale to get an 8!!!!
  11. PS Or do what the f*ck you want.. It's your car!!!
  12. Sorry bro the bonnet's got to go. Made me do a little spew in my mouth. As above, maintenance first then mods... But who am I to talk, I sink ridiculous money into old Kaisers. Also keep the orange indicators, they look mint on a topaz blue car. Clears will cheapen it (although not as much as that bonnet does!). It's a great looking car... Keep it that way!! Haha
  13. Thanks Will. I'll see if I can suss it out over the weekend. Have been trying to listen out when I start the car to see if the pump is even engaging but can't hear it over the bloody exhaust noise! hah
  14. Better knock off a grand then
  15. It dulls it significantly and looks shite as soon as it chips. Much better to leave bare metal and polish with something like autosol and keep it well waxed as Josh/Martin have both suggested IMO.
  16. Hmmmnnn... Realoem isn't very clear, Will, as it lists both options for my VIN (though normal ASC seems to have been superseded by ASC+T), so I'll have to have a look and try and get the actual part numbers.
  17. Brugar Engineering? Bruce reckons he can machine and polish the lips and leave the centre paint intact (which is in good nick) so has given me a great quote!! Far cheaper than a full repaint.
  18. Thanks Ken. Offset's a little too big but thanks for the offer!
  19. I looked at a recently imported LHD 850i, only 55K kms with full csi kit and polished M Pars at a dealer. Was listed at $15.5k, sold in less than a week. Take from that what you will.
  20. Thanks Tom. Think the E46 M3 offset is a bit out. I've has a kind offer from Darin to borrow his Breytons. They should be a good fit so will probably go with that. Keen to see what they look like on the 8 too!
  21. Too much positivity ain't natural, Glenn.
  22. That would be awesome, thanks Jeff. What's the offset?
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