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Everything posted by mark247

  1. mark247

    Got Wof?

    If it has no rear seats, does it actually need a parcel tray when it comes to getting it certed?
  2. BMW mechanic said it is fine if it is only a short distance. Which it is. Problem solved. Thanks fellas.
  3. Hey Looking for a quick reply here. My mate is driving a 328i auto and the waterpump has shat itself and he thinks the headgasket is blown. It is stuck on the side of the road right now. Before he tows it home he wants to know is it safe to tow an e36 with an automatic transmission? I have been told it can harm autos. Just need to double check. Thanks.
  4. Having a "wild" cam is having a lumpy cam. It makes the valves open for longer etc. You would want one set up for the turbo I'd say. Changing your cam can increase top end or bottom end power, depending on what you do. I'm sure 320guy knows a hell of a lot more about it than I do. EDIT: and i think they cost around $400 - $500 to get one made from a blank camshaft. I'm sure 320guy will be able to clear this up as well.
  5. BMwarehouse ( in hamilton i know ) have them in stock, got one from them recently. Just call them and it will be on your doorstep the next day. They are around $60 if i remember correctly.
  6. Just buy a new one from a decent BMW place. I bought a cheap chinese one once ( wasnt much cheaper ) and it was a dud.
  7. Those tyres look frecking sticky!
  8. I would say it is worth getting a second hand AFM and just plugging it in and seeing if it works, that will tell you if its anything to do with the AFM or not very quickly. If you get a new temp sensor ( $35 from BMwarehouse, like $70 at repco ) even if it isnt the cause, a new temp sensor and give your car a few more of its original hp back, its amazing how much just replacing a sensor can do.
  9. Could be the temp sensor, or oxygen sensor ( if it has one ).
  10. *facepalm* I can back up 320guy here. I know the guy as well. It is a stock m42 and it is running under 20 pounds and it is 300whp. Dont argue. Because it's true lol.
  11. Check to see if it has a wheel with small teeth ( if i remember correctly ) on it running on the front of the crank with a sensor mounted to the block which reads off the teeth. If it does, its 1.3, if not, its 1.1. Or just find out the number on the ECU and google it. Or unplug the ECU and see how many rows of connectors the plug is, if its 3 rows it is Motronic 1.3. I'd assume it's 1.1 though.
  12. How much do you want for the engine? I have a friend who is looking for one right now.
  13. Got that issue today at the local mag shop in Tauranga. It has all the bmw mags, performance bmw etc
  14. mark247


    Wonder why it was brought in here in the first place..
  15. mark247


    Was it something that was only with the 520i e34s?
  16. mark247


    What does this whole "individual" thing mean anyway?
  17. Yea they were not "on fire" as such, just smoking like heck. I have not owned the car long so I have not done brake fluid yet. I am planning on going with EBC pads next time around, considering the discs are the EBC sport discs I think they should be suitable. They are vented. In the way of ducting, i guess i just have the standard ducts which come in from beside the fog lights.
  18. I have already stated in the thread why I needed to use repco pads. Me losing my licence has nothing to do with speeding at all... and before you guys start thinking "DIC" it wasnt that either. I was just in the wrong place doing the wrong thing at the wrong time =P Dont get mad at me man. I didnt say anything about Silverlines, are you mistaking me for 320guy?
  19. You have a point. I think i would of been able to see a horse. But you are right.
  20. And after you fix the oil problem you are gonna have to fix that tail light problem as well! Those lenses are sh*t!
  21. Long straight back roads ( turns into gravel ). No drive ways on the straight at hand. No trees around. Only farm land. Nearest town around 25 minutes drive away. Yea being a TOTAL idiot i guess.
  22. Sounds like you know all the facts and figures
  23. It was sunday. Was installing new rotors. Needed pads. Thought for $90 they couldn't be that bad. Oh how wrong I was.
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