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Everything posted by Apex

  1. If its South Auckland I can have a look for you.
  2. Good on ya for saving it, the re VIN process can be a bit annoying but worth it if it’s a 325i-m. I can recommend a couple, what’s finances like and what standard a you after.. the former greatly influences the later. The guy I use is known as the best plastic welder in Auckland, I have seen him save some parts that you wouldn’t have thought possible, he specialises in rare cars and all body work he does is like new. He is responsible for quite a few of NZ top hot rods , classics and race cars.
  3. Plus its NZ new! Nice one. David’s 330i is nice though, saw it at a club BBQ and I got the impression that no expense had been spared on maintenance and he informed me it handled like it was on rails.
  4. My old ladies E46 Coupe got keyed yesterday, she has had it since new and it was in immaculate condition, she is fuming and told me she would have killed the person had she caught him/her. $1200 to fix I can just see them laughing whilst dragging the knuckles along the ground, I seriously hate the little apes that are doing this, bullet in the head is what they need!
  5. For sure, it would go hard….Only problem is you would spend 5 years getting it to work I was meaning the new wave Turbo engines Europe are throwing out, modern small turbos are awesome, not the big rush of the larger high performance turbo but flexible as hell and very efficient. Compare Opel’s Z20LEH to the larger turbo SR20DET to get an idea. Let’s see what M come up with, I would think slightly larger Turbo’s, and intercoolers, better fuelling and exhaust should net a lazy reliable 500+BHP without the high strain of the current V10.
  6. And the 2.8 was never in the facelift… The body is the same on the facelift bar the front guards and bonnet, maybe it was stacked and upgraded. Or its dodgy. Why not just ask the dealer.
  7. 1 reserve!!! bag a bargain! Wait, even at $1 im not sure id want it http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-196065682.htm
  8. State have a some strange costing system. They charged roughly the same to insure our last 4 vehicles, Toyota Altezza (it was supercharged so I didn’t tick in the section is you vehicle turbo charged) 06 Toyota IST, 06 Holden Astra SRI-T and 05 BMW 545i. Tell your friend to inform her company that she hasn’t been driving for 10 years if she hasn’t as if her vehicle is stolen under suspicious circumstances (say from a locked garage) that will be found out and they will black list her and possibly do her for fraud, sounds paranoid but I can assure you it happens quite a bit.
  9. It’s a 4.4 similar to the 4.4 in the old 545i and 745i. The Turbo’s may be small but they will outperform one large turbo from 10 years ago and deliver linier torque and power, none of this floor it and wait for everything at once up in the rev range rubbish like old Turbo’s. My old Holden Astra had a very small turbo but through the tight stuff it would pull miles ahead of the old EVO’s and WRX’s, it’s all about flexibility and drivability, the turbo motor has come a long way. Can’t wait to see the tuned version in the next generation 5 series M5 and the upcoming M-X6. Cheers for the pictures.
  10. Cool car, I remember seeing it in V8 Mag, don’t see many Asians driving Commodores let alone pimping them out. Will look cool with the WORK wheels.
  11. Dont do it kid, they are illegal and IMO irresponsible to retrofit. They look so cool though and you wont be blinding yourself so go for it.. compress your springs while your at it so you can bounce the annoyingly bright light at other traffic. Hilarity.
  12. Dude a 16 year old car isnt recent, nore is this thread.
  13. I really enjoy the finished result and also enjoy the admirable glances and comments from people about my cars, makes it worthwhile for me. Wouldn’t bother on anyone else’s cars though, it’s a labour of love thing, you really gotta like the car your working on to justify the effort. I don’t use a quick detailer when claying because it is essentially a finishing wax, why use an expensive finishing product for a cleaning a surface that is best void of any product before polishing?? Try a spray bottle filled with two parts water one part car wash instead and save the detailer for shine maintenance. Funny all the kits come with detailer, it’s just a way to make you spend more or maybe justify spending so much on “blue-Tacâ€. For what it’s worth, use Mothers or Meguiars white clay if you can, the blue is inferior.
  14. That Cruiser is photo shopped… this one isn’t. www.streetsourcemag.com
  15. If you’re on a budget and can’t be arsed going the whole hog just try Meguiars Scratch X, this is a fool proof way of removing minor scratches and is excellent for removing swirl marks.. once you have gone over the car your could apply some wax to “lock†in the shine. I use Armorall on the dash and trim.. works well for me, I like the clean treated look.
  16. Bugger, nice effort. Handy with tools?? Take the engine, glass and whatever else is worth money off, sell the body and whack the parts on trade me.
  17. Apex


    All I got was 14 year old girls Texting me… not the best really
  18. Expect to pay well over $1000 for the job described as it’s about 12 hours of hard labour and a fair bit of product. You could get a half arsed “Cut and polish†done at a groomer for half that but that would only be half the job done… What colour is your car?
  19. Apex

    HIN Miami 2008

    Lol at Yanks.. That GTR looks crap with those rims. The factory rims suite the GTR, suppose people want to be different even if it looks worse than stock.
  20. Apex

    Quick Questions

    The Piece that slips into the gearbox on the end of the selector shaft thing.. Sorry have no idea as to what the part is called. Thanks Glenn.
  21. Apex

    Quick Questions

    What size clip holds the gear selector linkage into the gearbox? E30, 320i, 240 Gearbox.
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