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Everything posted by Carl

  1. Don't you need an eprom reader/writer before you can start playing around with them?Wouldn't mind getting my hands on both
  2. Carl

    sunroof leak!!

    Hehe, suckers with sunrooves...have you considered that it's not the sunroof leaking?
  3. Carl


    more like, crude humor, some people don't enjoy it, some people do, I don't care either way.Cheers Sparkle WTF? If you didn't care either way then why make such a gimp comment?Yawn.
  4. Carl

    GT Legends

    High resolution on a TV means having a decent plasma/lcd with a new generation console, which is only currently xbox360, and the refresh and contrast makes for annoying probs.E: Can't beat consoles for multiplayer fun though, used to play 8 player micro-machines back in uni using two multi-taps and 8 controllers, made for some cool drinking games.
  5. Carl

    Shudder & Vibration

    Engine and g/box mounts are very important! I have new mounts all round now and he peace of mind is gold.Just an eye-opener, since it's on topic, a few weeks back I started having some really weird knocking and scraping noises coming from the leftish rear end when the car was under load with a frequency directly related to speed. It happened virtually out of the blue and a couple of days later I went to check everything out and discovered that all of my LR wheel nuts were loose Tightened them all up and the noises went away. Can only think someone went to steal my tyres and the alarm scared them off half way through or my ex-flattie had partaken in some malicious practises.
  6. Carl


    Lucky it was Masoe that got hit with the handbag cause if it were Nonu that started crying his mascara would have run...
  7. Carl


    What a farce that game was, but learn a little more about the handbag incident that happened afterwards...classic
  8. Carl

    CD Stacker query

    Damn misinformation, got it the wrong way around again
  9. Carl

    CD Stacker query

    One would suspect that it is solely the head unit that is responsible for controlling the stacker and you'd have to upgrade the head unit to play mp3's
  10. I know someone with an EPROM reader/writer although his reliability is a little suspectE: Oh, and you can hire an eprom reader/writer but last time I checked it costed $250 a day!!!
  11. Carl

    God car

    I wouldnt worry. Carl needs things like this to fill his life up, otherwise he'd spend all day picking up p0rn for Tane. Ever since you went trawling through my historical records you've been on my case. I've never been squeaky clean martyn, more like...well lubricated...how do I get a little smilie with a pornstauch? Ah hell, this will do
  12. Carl

    God car

    Another 20mins of my life just vanished again
  13. and no offence it sounded crap and hung way too low, i distinctly remember that exhaust. 1st taupo cruise. I loved the old zaust and the night time fireworks displays it made
  14. I think in our case Martyn, and especially in your case (and Ian's), that if we do get pulled over by a cop that's following the previously stated list that they're more likely to be stunned as to our age and only have a chat. I've now been pulled over two times in the last year and both times the cop has only said something minor even though admittedly both were ticketable offenses (although one instance I got pulled over for not having lights on low beam at night, I can understand that as a safety or possibly drunk issue)
  15. No, not mail delivery, I ran a giggalo business and part of the discretionary factor is to make night calls. It's bloody hard to read street numbers at night.
  16. I've not tilted mine up but more so angled them out so I can read letter box numbers at night
  17. For those doing the series, yes, but there's a few just doing the intermarques
  18. Front windscreen banners, the white backing with black text, should be reserved for the motorsport side of things IMO
  19. Carl

    Auto -> Manual

    Look at the maintenance g/box sticky Gus and add to the list there
  20. Carl


    Flat-white from my Lebanese lover every morning before work, usually along with a bacon+egg+cheese bagel. Have a grinder and plunger at home, threw out the espresso machine as the plunger is just so much less hassle, buy beans as I don't go through that much coffee at home so it's an issue of freshness - prefer freshly grinded.
  21. What gets me is that with the E30 lights is that you kind of need the driving lights on at night when an oncoming car is aproaching as they light up the cats eye that much better and the cats eyes are the one thing that I love in NZ with night driving as they really help you to see the road since you can't see the road marking paint (esp. in the wet). Always sucked driving at night in Germany as they didn't have the cats eyes so in the wet at night it was really dangerous.
  22. The only time I ever have trouble with dazzling lights is when the road surface is wet and reflective, other than that, the law is rather anal Curiously, if you took the bulbs out of the park lights, could you then argue a different story? (esp. considering that you can still enable a left or right side parking light using the indicator stalk) I did do this for a while so that when the driving lights were on they were the only forward facing lights - but it was only cause I had one blown bulb that it looked stupid.
  23. Carl

    Classic read

    I just find it digusting that someone would steal a girls ciggies, what has soceity come to?
  24. Carl

    Classic read

    An elderly man riding on his mobility scooter was oblivious that fear for his welfare sparked a street scuffle in Paraparaumu resulting in six arrests. Acting Detective Sergeant Ross McKay said a bizarre string of events was set off by two boys, aged 12 and 14, drinking outside a Kapiti Rd flat and harassing the scooter rider as he passed on Tuesday afternoon. One of the boys removed the man's walking stick from his basket and dropped it on the ground and the other boy picked it up and put it back. Mr McKay said the man – who later described the boys as "cheeky" – rode away unperturbed but three women driving past, who saw the incident and recognised the man on the scooter, decided to reprimand the boys. Two of the women, aged in their 20s, got out of the car and told the boys off for hassling an older man, demanded they apologise and confiscated a bottle of alcohol. The boys verbally abused them and one boy reported the incident to other partygoers, Mr McKay said. One of his older brothers, who was drunk, kicked the women's car and hurled abuse at them. Then three young drunk women from the party joined the fray, punching one woman in the face and slamming the open car door against the other. A middle-aged man saw the commotion and rushed to defend the women. He grabbed the older brother, which prompted three other male partygoers to attack him. All three went crashing through a nearby fence. About 20 police and ambulance officers arrived at the same time as one of the young women believed to have been involved in the attack punched a young man because she believed he had stolen her cigarettes, Mr McKay said. All the while the elderly man continued on his way, unaware of the bedlam in his wake. One of the women who reprimanded the boys suffered bruising, the other mouth injuries. The man who came to their rescue needed stitches for cuts on his head. Three men, aged 21, 20 and 18, and three women aged 25, 18 and 16, will appear in Porirua District Court and Youth Court on assault charges next week.
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