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Everything posted by Carl

  1. It's only the small minded that will bag something without ever having tried it. Personally I don't like the styling of most imports so I wouldn't ever try them.
  2. AMG equals "Ah Am Gay" In german. No wonder they have such a large amount of leather trim. Both you and Emma are wrong; Hoch Deutch 101:B is beh W is vee V is fou G is ghee H is hah F is fah T is tze Also to note, the vowels are pronounced like you would the Maori vowels of all things. As to the ear muffs, the consensus amongst the girls here is that black ones are okay but any other colour is ghey. Stereo ear phones are the win though. And being deaf cause you're too manly to wear ear protection is plain idiotic.
  3. While big warm headphones are the win it still doesn't answer the question as to whether the ear muffs are socially acceptable. Tim, I do recall seeing Shaggy wearing the ear muffs but being a cartoon character he doesn't count.
  4. Yes, well, all the forums and searching i've done leads to that assumption that the 240 boxes are for the M10/42 and the 260 for the M20. One truth is, though, that you can't switch a box from an M10/42 to an M20 without doing something major to it.
  5. Just to confirm Tim, the 4cyl and 6cyl boxes are not interchangable Getrag 240/245 boxes are for the 4cyl engines, 260/265 for the 6cyl engines.
  6. Reminds me of the clog cars from Goldmember, very concerning, it's really tarnishing the 328 IMO
  7. Cain, you've done me in, i'm going to have to go study those words now. Next question since i'm in the mood, you know those ear muffs that Thelma (or is it Daphny) has on scooby doo that I now see chicks wearing around town, are they for both sexes or just females? If the later what is the male equivalent? (excludes hardening up)
  8. While wondering why W is the only non-single syllable in the alphabet I started wondering about which of definitely or definately is the correct word since I see most people writing definately in forums but the dictionary has definitely as the correct spelling. Food for thought.
  9. With that value I wouldn't want to go much lower as it'll be a pig to accelerate as that's already a fairly low rpm@100kph even for a 2.8!!!
  10. Being an auto box, are the rpms screaming at 100kph with the 4.44?
  11. Carl

    Carrera GT Supercar

    Can't say I really noticed the colour as it was late and I was more over bemused by how tiny it was and the slow speed that it was doing in the traffic. Unmistakable rear end though, the wing just doesn't do it for me. It was so low I actually had to lean over to the left side to get a better look, and my car is low!
  12. Yes, a big hearty welcome, always good to have active foreigners online injecting different views on the many heated debates we have here. Being English you probably have a good grasp of the correct use of the language and grammer so no need to explain forum ettiquette to you then
  13. I saw a Carrera GT on Saturday night, heading south along the SH2 motorway just before the SH1 merger. According to the motoring news they've stopped production of them with only 1200 made (all LHD) and there's only 1 in NZ - so that must've been it Anyone else spot it around?
  14. Okay, so thanks for that Stig link...did you read that he's ploughed a $1.3M Koernigserg through a tyre wall?As for Top-Gear and The-Stig here in NZ doing a track day...easiest way to confirm this is a real Top-Gear event and is to email the BBC show in the UK and ask whether this is a Top-Gear sanctioned event, EOS.
  15. Carl

    manual box

    Yes it will E: Should point out that the issues surrounding g/boxes comes down to the crank angle sensors. The earlier motronic ran the sensor off the flywheel with the bellhousing having lugs on the side for the pickup where as later motronic setups run the sensor off the front pulley making the bellhousing lugs redundant. The point here is that not all boxes have the lugs for the sensor pickup. This means that if you've got the later motronic (which you do) you can use any of the boxes but if you've got the earlier motronic then you must either locate a compatable box or make accomodations for the sensor and pickup.
  16. Carl

    Mozilla Firefox

    Latest version is
  17. Carl

    Mozilla Firefox

    Updated, and this time the update didn't blow away all my extensions :thumb:
  18. Carl

    The confession thread

    I eat two-fingered kit-kats without breaking them in half length-wise just to annoy my obsessive compulsive work mate. It makes him go buy them just to snap in half hehe
  19. Screw the car, the scooter is soo much more interesting
  20. Carl

    Bumper Help

    Chrome bumpers and window trimming, front and rear valances, rear light array, and rear wheel arches are the main differences between the two.
  21. Carl

    Outsmarting a Clamp

    I'm sure that if you mess with them they'll get you, most likely in court, as they've probably dealt with numerous cases of 'abusers' before and have a fairly solid plan of attack. SOT, but any other Wellingtonians noticed the influx of rail passengers lately?
  22. Could just be a stone wedged in somewhere, have you checked it all out?
  23. Carl

    Outsmarting a Clamp

    I was contemplating getting a vespa but even 2nd hand they can be more expensive than a car!
  24. Carl

    Outsmarting a Clamp

    What did you geta ticket for Andy, parking illegally, or parking in residential zone without coupon during the week?
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