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Everything posted by BM WORLD


    E30 parts

    talk to brendan he had those parts there waiting for you
  2. have a brand new sunroof winder handle if you want to stretch to that , in stead of a half broken use one. also have new fog light blanks
  3. yup , should say getriebe side in the centrehttp://www.pelicanparts.com/BMW/techarticl...place/pic50.jpg
  4. you can unbolt the brake line brackets from the trailing arms etc , and just hang the lines with calipers still attached .will just have to undo the hadbrake cable , easier from the hand brake lever if your 325i ones are still attached etc. just be carefull knocking the axles out not to damage the bearings/hubs or ends of teh axles etc. one method here most times i can just knock the axle out with a large hammer ,hitting it with another one resting against the axle end. sharp blows. but sometimes that doesn't work and requires more tools etc
  5. just put the whole rear end in from the 325i or just the axles and diff.318i are small case and 325i are medium case
  6. maybe this onehttp://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-551368832.htm
  7. alpina B8 http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....mp;hl=alpina+b8 my one http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....3&hl=alpina b8&st=0 http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....c=40475&hl= have lowered it now with coupe mtec springs and munroe sport reflex shocks coupe mtec rear sway bar. swap the seats , carpet and door cards to black
  8. correct 318i shafts are longer . sometimes its easy to knock the shafts out sometimes not , also its a bit of a knack to do them. you could just swap the complete rear trailing arms or subframe etc
  9. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=42212
  10. talk to peter he wants 17" by 8" http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....=peter+robinson
  11. was a non airbag car (doesn't matter anyway) sorry its a 93 325ihas no running gear , just the shell sitting on the ground. still has the doors , glass and boot lid on it. black carpet and dash . no seats or door cards so dry inside .
  12. car was brought as a going concern just for the engine so they could put it into a e36 328i race car they owned ,then the 328i engine was fitted back into it and the guys wife drove for a while etc, then sold off a few years back now
  13. swap the engine for a 328i 528i one
  14. this one belongs to mate of mine he has 2 the other is black manual M535i with the plates NA535 (my dads old one when it was new)
  15. a guy brought it for the engine for thier race car a few years back i think they had a e36 328i race car , ersnt at baverians did the swaps etc
  16. just fit a oil temp gauge somewhere else if you want one.check with auto clutch if it will handle the 286hp and 300 odd Nm etc gearbox should be fine just no big skids and drifting and stupid gear changes etc
  17. buy this and make it a m3 again. engine was taken out for a e30 or e36 race car a few years back . ernst at baverian did the work http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-551650558.htm http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....c=43156&hl=
  18. have options in papakura auckland yes 15" will fit on 325i have options from $100 to 800 etc
  19. have a black sedan 325i 93. reg lapsed , not dereged by insurance company , so will only need to revin it, no engineer reports needed etc. tidy shell still has doors on it , but no bolt on frontal parts or running gear or seats etc. but i do have most of the frontal stuff if needed. shell only with doors and boot lid , windscreens etc $750 or less if you dont want the other bolt on parts
  20. all m43 , m42 , m44 , m50 m52 m54 etc use the same etc
  21. call me if interested in it 021433600 thanks brent http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...871&ed=true
  22. on trademe now http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...871&ed=true
  23. nice score just do the manual , use a lighter flywheel , maybe m50 manifold swap , headers etc , i swapped out the whole interior in our 328i touring for a black one from a sedan , just have to redye the back touring seats to suit now.
  24. http://bmwfans.info/parts/catalog/E46/Coup...18Ci-N46/RHD/N/
  25. 316i 318i 320i 323i 325i 328i and m3 all use the same fuel pump. your drivers side tank will be touching the head of the engine. so you will need to put another one somewhere else the e36 m3 one is the same as a 1988-1990 e30 325i type just get what ever m3 exhaust you can buy or afford etc
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