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Everything posted by MLM

  1. I want to know where to buy a color change hole saw!
  2. Well done! All the best to the new family
  3. Ill build you a custom carbon air box for that price....
  4. If your looking to import a filter I ran into barriers with K&N. It seems they have a dealer agreement which excludes exporting so that you can only buy from local stockists. A bit of a bummer as often overseas prices are much better. In the end I went with a AFE filter. Might be worth looking through their range to see if they have a filter for your car as it may save a few dollars. Edit: did a search for the hell of it and found this AFE® 54-10451 and yeah not what you call cheap...though this is comparable AFE® 54-20442
  5. MLM

    WOF Laws

    The conflict seems to be wanting to save money from regular warrents and knowing the cars arround me are safe. For me saftey wins out. If we had a yearly warrent process either the acceptable limits would need to be raised so that what is ok now still will be in a years time before the next warrant, somewhat subjective, OR police are now burdened with checking a cars condition and determinig saftey on the road side. More subjective I think I would promote a KM based warrent possibly tied into the registration. It would mean KM usage to dollar spent would align therefore the weekend cruiser used every other weekend wouldnt have an unproportional cost associated with it. While high usage (high wear and tear) would be check more often. It would also remove the potentially subjective policing of a cars condition when you get pulled over. A KM reading and sticker check is all that would be required and maybe cursary tire check to cover those that like turing tire into smoke. This would require a study into the number of KM to wear so that the time period is accurate and if it tied in to rego you woulndt end up paying $$$ for a low usage car. As a high user you would pay a higher ammount of warrent and reg but to me seems fair.
  6. Are you running a fuse or circuit breaker? if so what rating?
  7. A note on ignitors / ignition drives. Some ecu's have them others dont. I made up ignition drives to suit my Link ecu for approx $16 per channel. So if your favored ecu dosnt have them it can be easily overcome without the expence of a new module which can get pricey.
  8. If you dont have to have the tree based manual the electron version is downloadable from various sources on the net. Took me 10 minutes to find and down load on line.
  9. MLM

    HB Matt (MLM)

    Thanks Glenn, Been a bit of a busy year this one, looking forward to a few drinks tonight! Matt
  10. This is probably the worst case situation for a heat pump. Its cold and its damp, defrosts are going to be a regular and annoying fact of life. It it were a few degrees below zero the humidity would be far less as any moisture in the air is now now sat on the ground as snow. If it were a few degrees warmer you would get more heating benifit before a defrost untill its warm enough inside and it can defrost naturally as part of its heating off cycle.
  11. Ok thanks, I dont own a heat pump so am unfamiliar with their opperation. As someone who has an idea about refrigeration circuits though im not convinced a heatpump would work particularly well in cold humid conditions typical of NZ. If its cold outside there isnt much heat available to pump inside and chances are if its cold its going to be wet too. Perfect conditions to ice up the system. Therefore it will require regular defrosts to maintain airflow through the evaporator. if the system dosnt take advantage of the defrost source of heat and keep running to help the inside warm up you wonder if somthing has been missed in the design. Sort of a special mode of operation until it gets warm inside.. Anyway, hope you can suss it out
  12. Yup frost happen up here but not every night in winter. Out of curiosity why is it deemed a bad thing if it goes into defrost mode?
  13. Would have thought that being a refrigerant circuit where heat is rejected from the inside heat exchanger which has hot compressed gas in it to warm you up and the outside bit gets cold and accepts heat from the ambient air. The defrost cycle on start up would be the systems way introducing heat quickly into the system so it could warm up the inside quicker or gets the refrigerant sat in the evaporator outside moving into the system Its possible the system has the incorrect gas amount in it. Either to much or too little. I assume an installer would add this to the system separatly once its installed making it possible to get wrong. E: Its probably also worth noting that when its -2 outside there isnt a whole lot of heat available to "pump" into the home from the outside which the system is trying to do, so poor performance at this end of the opperating window probably won't be flash
  14. The M brand has been a victim of its own sucess. It used to be a racing only orientated devision which has through its own sucess turned into a marketing tool which is used to generate sales by putting a sticker here and a lip extension there. No longer to the designers or engineers vision for a car matter in a world where marketing dictate the position of product in the market and sales volumes rule. If an elevated position can be achieved with a splash of "M" then so be it. Has the M devision got any weaker? I dont know, i dont think so, but the fact that you can now buy a piece, all be it small in some cases and feel a little special because of it is the power of marketing. As long as the M devision continues to churn out cars we can aspire to when we drive our M branded cars im happy.
  15. My 2c would be that the kit or wires you end up buying is somewhat irrelevant provided it does the job you want ie connectors that seal well, fuse holders which hold and present fuses well. Does what you want of it. That trademe kit looks pretty good to me. The quality of the job will come down to the time and preparation you put into laying wires out between components and making sure your happy with it before cutting wire to lenght, putting heatshrink in place (a step i forget to often and have to resolder) soldering it up and wrapping miles of tape arround it. That Nylon sleeving is awesome if you can find a source. I only had scraps. DIYAUTOTUNE.COM has a good range of plugs and bits including EV1 bosch stuff for injectors and through firewall connectors. I used that for my ecu install plus some carefully disassembled factory connectors to get an engine loom which looks more or less factory. I have to admit though im a little ocd when it comes to wiring and kinda enjoy it but like all things put the time and patience in and it pays off
  16. MLM

    M50B20 build

    Techie question: How do you choose what valve spring to use?
  17. MLM

    Air flow to Map

    Yup, is a Map-ecu not a box of tricks that does this for you?
  18. MLM

    Air flow to Map

  19. Haha yup, more of a cup of tea and scale drawings in inches kind of guy now. Still its funny how there are alot of oldies out there who were trying to sqeeze HP out of steam engines back in the day while designing valve systems which worked at high rpm. Skills and abilities that will be lost in future generations
  20. Neat! My father in law to be..? Is into model engines. He has 2 steam boats and a little (100kg) truck. When I go over there is alwasys somthing cool happening in the garage or stories about when he built a steam race boat with a motor that turned 9000rpm and glowed red! Current project is a wood kayak which is 17ft long and weighs less than its carbon equivelent on the market. All for a 5th the price too.
  21. Ah jeees Ive just bought a set of DE (low comp) and DET pistons as well. Thought i might have been on to somthing there. Turns out im 5 min late again. Will be watching to see how this goes together. I take the need to machine 1.4mm off is because your using a M44 crank? M42 and DE compression height are very close to oneanother so if a m42 crank is used then machining wouldnt be needed? or at least to a lesser degree. Also valve pockets will need machining?
  22. MLM

    Koenigsegg Tour

    Pure awesome, my favorite car. Excellent to see a truly passionate ceo who love and understand their creations. Wish i was him!!
  23. Yup thats true, I got stung the first time i bought somthing in even though it was a private sale on a used item which struck me as cheeky. I now just assume its going to happen and add it to the price.
  24. Its a sticky.. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=21448
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