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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. Cheers for compliments guys! Handles really well actually! Its on modified XYZ Supersport Adjustable's (there second to top tier coil over, the latter for race only), there is NO movement in the arbitrary bounce test in the front, the rear i need to stiffen up slightly. The front end totally rebuilt (bushes, drop arms etc) before the conversion was started. Very drivable though, and would be fine to take your grandma out for a snot. All you E34 and E32 guys on here, the XYZs are well worth thier investment, i got them from Speedfactor Motorsport, and they can mod them for you, however I got them done at TTT Auto Engineering in Auckland however, and recommend his work, and absolutely phenomenal service by him to get the job done in a very tight window! oh now theres an idea i haven't thought of twin supercharged????? Christmas bonus is coming.....
  2. _ethrty-Andy_

    Project 30

    I used a cook top scraper to get it out (for want of a more professional sounding name). not sure if it will come back, didnt for me
  3. _ethrty-Andy_

    Project 30

    glue from the glass. my first black E30 was like it too
  4. bimmersport ticket group buy? definitely want to go one day. Id go to the Porsche one too
  5. you could try these guys, http://www.speedfactor.co.nz/products.php
  6. theres a crowd in seaview i drive past every day, i cant remember the name but has VDO on a massive sign out the front. Just google mapped it, looks like they are called Shardlow Electrical. Plug this into google maps -41.23351,174.903647
  7. Was rapid and thirsty, oh so very thirsty! For sure now the weather is turning on and daylight savings is here. I'll have a lot more free time in about 3 weeks so perhaps we can sort something then?
  8. cheers guys! prooven with a certain 325tds
  9. ...the ECU said something about being an M70, can anyone help? will get some better ones once shes had a clean, i just couldn't withold posting any longer Definitely worth saying thanks 110 times to Lance aka Mellopuf! he got to do all the hard stuff and i get to do all the fun stuff!!
  10. youd need to confirm what will happen to the EWS (BMW immobiliser) if you put that chip in. Will it flash that out and leave the car maybe vulnerable? Those chips dont really do a hell of a lot though in my experience. Placebo more than anything.
  11. Cool defiantly in and powered by 12 cylinders, was starting to look like the 316i was going to make an embarrassment of itself, but not now have emailed this to my mate thats coming up too. still no word on where others are staying up there on saturday or any dinner arrangements? sorry to be the old man about it, the social part before would be good if there is one though!
  12. right im cancelling this. noone has put any orders through or paid. will try again some other time. cheers
  13. what is the engine in the car and is it manual or auto? there are roughly 10 different ratios for the E30s depending on engine size and transmission etc eg you wouldn't put a 4.45 in a 325i manual
  14. is that what it is. my neighbours one sounds odd but didnt really think much of it
  15. Id pay up if you showed up on my doorstep hahaha
  16. I would rather you started a separate thread for the legality discussion (as if Bimmersport really needs another one mind you......), so this one can be kept tidy for people's orders and communication of logistics etc without getting messy. Thanks!
  17. i place the order, takes about 3-4 business days to get to me, then i will pack them and redirect them the day i recieve them and send on overnight courier the next day. so all up about 7-10 days yep
  18. Thanks sam! seems logical! certainly couldnt find any reference to it before! where does it normally sit on the car, if you know? seems strange BMW of all companies would have a tool like that given most first buyers wouldn't even touch the cars..
  19. they are probably subcontracting to an auto electrician and then adding their cut on top. no point to get a second hand unit, may as well get your current one reconditioned.
  20. the key give away is its a prefacelift car with a facelift kit. also the front bumper and valance appear to be molded together in the pictures
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