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Everything posted by Phil-540i

  1. Primo - knew ya had the motor in...........
  2. Funny, as today's Sunday Times (& hey, we all know how accurate THAT is........ ) reckons he was convicted of careless use & DUI, & car is now on TM at $1 reserve........ Edit - Found it - http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/aston-martin/rapide/auction-689397057.htm so that bit is right anyway.....
  3. Matt - GO AND FINISH YOUR CAR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to the shed with you...........
  4. Theres always this as perspective too $$$ wise................. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/535i/auction-685488780.htm Matt needs to get his finished & then take lotsa pics for here...................
  5. I reckon that's cheap, but I'm wildly guessing it's probably not the one, unless it's clicked up a extra 120ks real quick, & had coupla extra doors grafted in by the midnight spares boys or something........
  6. I think 'whats it worth to you' to own it, needs factored in more than anything else probably.......... Andy says 2k tops, but some-one else could say $1500 or 3k - the only real perspective is what it's worth to you to have sitting in your driveway.......in comparison with what else is available for similar money......
  7. Nice pic - looks soooo unreal somehow that it almost looks like a pic of a toy, bar the rego label in the windscreen - awesome shot...........
  8. Keep ya chin up, it'll look better tomorrow!!! You've done bloody well to get to this stage on it Dave.............
  9. This............^^^^^^^ would sound really dodgey if you mutter it while in the Square on a Fri / Sat night - might wanna avoid it ae.......... Funny Allan - I think those MS bumpers look a bit weird too........ Jooles car with the spacers on looked fairly serious............
  10. I take it none of the Palmy firechicks were in the Scania ute then........... Cracks me up that your landlord has gotta deal with it now..............
  11. Lols - harsh ba$tards - my 'tweaked' 06 ran 120,000kms with some hard off-road use at times, was a Targa chase unit one year, etc etc, & never did anything bar normal maintance to the girl - even on big tyres was still on the original clutch when sold.......
  12. Dark tint windows........nobody'll see ya............
  13. Ahh, I can tell you've been to the Main-land..... Yea, much the same thing really. Bit like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, cept it'd probably be a REALLY big sledgie......as ya would..... Gun to a knife-fight, etc etc........ Because apparently some people don't pick up small hints too well.........
  14. Yea ditto, that needs a proper thread of its own I reckon.................... Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!
  15. Hmmm, you wanted a sensible idea from me.............??? How bout this - keep the vehicles you've got, who-ever is going longest distance on a day takes the might diesel wagon, & umm, buy yourself a motorbike for using on the fine days - ya know ya wanna............ Like, a proper motorbike, not some sorta tractor like a Harley........... Edit - In terms of Freelanders, I personally wouldn't pi$$ on one to warm up its wheels.............however if you do get one, get one with sunroofs. Then when it dies, ya can full it up with horse-$hit & use it as a glass-house for growing tomatoes etc..........
  16. I do the same Graham, have been for ages, rather than rehitting the button & posting x number of times - I originally thought the slowness was a problem with my internet speed, but its not............
  17. Boys turned up in the big red ute yet...............?? Be a nice job for them instead of the fatal MVA's they've had last coupla weeks.......
  18. Its funny seeing the E30 above the signature pic - almost looks like a case of "Honey, I shrunk the car'........... Looks gorgeous, but so does your E34............. I'm sure ya could get a good bulk deal on noodles, plain white budget bread & Oak sgetti for 6 months.............
  19. Lots of common sense in here re maintance etc. Rumour has it that a new Hilux 4WD diesel, will do about 28,000kms with no maintance at all from the showroom floor, before it Chernobyl's it's motor, (even though it shows full on the dipstick.....) Apparently that's not covered by warranty for some reason...........
  20. Lols, ^^^^^^^ & yet I got slapped for something I said the other day.............??!! I gotta admit the orange one probably isn't as bad as the pink one...........without the rear wing would be slightly less painfull on the eyes too as mentioned.....
  21. I soooooo miss the south island version of 'subtle'...............its great.......
  22. Was at Featherston / Rangiteiki Street traffic lights............. I think theres Mogs floating around on training or somethink.............
  23. At 300k's, any E36 that reaches that, is road legal & still moves under it's own steam probably deserves to be displayed in a glass-case............
  24. If you're in the toy section of Trademe again this week, probably $7 Postshop bubble-wrap bag should cover it, depending what scale it is......
  25. Or maybe they ^^^^^^ based at Pukekoe...........???
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