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Everything posted by zero

  1. Great work. If you use a better quality paint brush you will get far less bristles falling out and sticking to the seat. The seats look magic!
  2. If you do nothing then you become part of the problem. Now that you let him get away with it he is much more likely to rob you or other people again.
  3. I would get all your evidence and go to the cops. For me, it would not be about what was stolen, but the principle of the matter. And you are unlikely to get any stick from the thieves as they will vent any aggression at the cops. Stand up, and do what is right.
  4. They were sold too cheap because the greens and labour took huge amounts of value off the sale price when they sabotaged the share float. Politically it was an extremely clever move as it took over a billion dollars out of Nationals ability to reach surplus, but it is the taxpayer who pays the price. The taxpayer lost out on $1B - $2B because of economic sabotage. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11429715
  5. Respect for acknowledging you got it wrong. BMW's can be a tricky beast, and Glenn is fastidious in checking for problems. A small amount of money up front with Glenn saved the potential buyer a huge expense.
  6. This ^^^ By voting for National you knew there would be a flag referendum. The people spoke, and overwhelmingly voted for a National government. That is democracy.
  7. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    So hate the individuals that murdered your family and stole your land. Don't hate all people in the world with the same skin colour as those individuals. I have white skin and I didn't murder your family or steal your land.
  8. The reason it has to be done this way is because if the first referendum was "Do you want to change the flag?" people would say "it depends on what the new flag is".
  9. Any chance of putting the fault list up, or is that considered a no no?
  10. New sky channel coming on the first of next month called discovery turbo. It looks awesome, check it out; http://www.discoverychannel.com.au/tv-listings/discovery-turbo-max/ I am soooooooooo excited!
  11. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    In some cases both. My mate and I looked at a nearby open home while taking a break from building the deck on his house yesterday. Old white neighbor of open home gave us the 'yellow peril' speech. I played dumb and let him dig his hole deeper and deeper until I informed him that my mate's wife was Asian. He then spluttered and stammered while we walked away.
  12. zero

    Quick rant thread.

    Old people who start a conversation with "I'm not a racist, but...." and then say a bunch of racist stuff.
  13. Awesome car. Just needs a hamann style front lip now.
  14. Sadly, it is this reason why kiwisaver will become compulsory. Too many stupid people not making good financial decisions will necessitate this.
  15. I'm saying that kiwisaver will slowly phase out super over time, and that there is much fear mongering that super is not sustainable (which is not true if you look at the gdp figures). And kiwisaver will become compulsory irrelevant of which government is in power, although Labour will make it happen faster (its been a policy of theirs for a while). I agree that in your situation you are better to pay down debt first, although the government contribution (which also wont be there forever) is a good sweetener.
  16. Is that where you paint it black, and then silver over the top?
  17. Nice one! I presume the colour will still be silver?
  18. True, but smaller government would be a much simpler way of having reduced taxes. If I was king I would increase gst, and greatly reduce income tax.
  19. Yea, but those saying super is not sustainable are fear mongering if you look at the projections of cost to the country. Kiwisaver will slowly phase out super anyway as kiwisaver contributions are increased - just like is done in Aussie. Aussie is up to 9.5% contribution and set to increase to 12% in 2025. NZ will make kiwisaver compulsory and slowly increase the contributions over time.
  20. This is where your taxes go; http://www.wheresmytaxes.co.nz/ More detailed info of where every cent of our taxes go is available on the treasury website - so there is no conspiracy, you just need to look.
  21. I think that's the cleanest engine bay I've ever seen. Good luck with the sale.
  22. Just read this whole thread. Great work - how is the progress now?
  23. zero

    Help with my e90

    Did it turn over at all?
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