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Everything posted by Olaf

  1. buy now, mate, have some ready for next time! Perhaps Penrite's engine flush (or Wurth) before the next change is warranted, if the internals are unknown or it's really sludgy inside?
  2. wow that was quick, congratulations! I propose a new interweb abbreviation, in addition to the "GLWS": NLNWS (No Luck Needed With Sale)! Needless to say this only applies to the most desireable cars, regardless of age or price.
  3. hoy crap that's a very sharp price, Dave. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts about it, next change.
  4. did you test the thermostat before installation, Dave? It's non uncommon for them to be coozed from new, could be failing to open. bled the cooling system? Possibility of air lock. HTH
  5. Olaf

    E36 Revival!

    nice work, keep at it. Fulfilling your Brother's wish must bring pride and indeed some kind of catharsis for your family. thread subscribed!
  6. it says "lowered" and looks a bit naff the way its sitting when snapped. Odd he didn't explain more. Probably preoccupied with getting his family jewels back. Yep Allan: "happy wife, happy life".
  7. Olaf

    Clarkson Sacked

    it is a well-recognised fact that Audis are driven by ICT Infrastructure and Database Admins in team-lead roles, Pre-sales engineers, and junior sales hacks, all of whom run Samsung mobiles on Android, and are on Microsoft's Beta-testing list, and denounce the existence of OSX and iOS.
  8. It's just really, really scared, cowering in fear in your garage... worried you're going to put that roof box on it!
  9. Oh I dunno, a mobius strip will keep an ant ammused for hours... Yes, I too thought the "wife hates colour" story lacked, well, something. Testicular fortitude, really.
  10. John, I don't know about the N54 specifically, can say I've been running 5W40 in my M54 for some time now. I'm using Penrite full synthetic HPR5, works better for me. You can buy in 20L (just rock in to Repco and ask) it runs at a little better than the promo prices on all those 5L packs ($80 retail vs $55 promo?) - eg $205-ish (incl), they don't do promo pricing on the 20L but you're better off with that price anyway. HPR5 meets BMW LL01. My car uses less on HPR5 than on Castrol's 0w40 Edge or 5W30 Professional. http://www.penrite.com.au/products.php?id_categ=1&id_subcateg=&id_products=1 HTH
  11. well... yesterday, I figured it would need rubber to pass it's forthcoming WoF... so I went to Bridgestone Torrens Tce. Rather than cheap out - despite likelihood of selling it soon - I went for Bridgestone RE-003s. Stock size is 205/50R16. Ahhh, better.
  12. it seems Apple would have you think all it takes is an iPhone 7! #; )
  13. Child: "Daddy, that car is creeping me out. It looks like a sort of dwarf X5, like that Chuckee doll in the movies. Please, make it go away" Parent: "Don't be afraid darling, this is not the stuff of nightmares - it's the X3"
  14. here's the link to the advert: http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-1178291719.htm
  15. certainly a beauty. Not sure I'd part with $60k for it. Looking good for 170k miles.
  16. they're fair, though I'd suggest he should have shot all images from the west facing east to maximise the golden light and turned the car. the photos of the left side are all under-exposed. The processing is heavy-handed and overblown - like instagram filters. Still, if you like that kind of thing.... fussy? moi?
  17. what about Seafoam? It works well, though unsure if folks are using it on N54s.
  18. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11726323 I hope the couple are alright. I certainly hope the e36 Ti is not becoming the escape vehicle of choice for agravated robbers! to quote NZ Herald: " Police are now focusing on finding the 1995 blue three-door 318TI coupe used in the heist. It has a registration plate BRE645. They are appealing for anyone who may have seen a vehicle matching that description driving near Taita Drive last night around the time of the robbery." I guess the odds of seeing this type of vehicle anywhere in Wellington is pretty high.. hope they find the buggers. Fancy risking a criminal record for a few hundred bucks.
  19. on the surface, yes, though not everyone wants to add so much BHP that full-on suspension and braking upgrades are required as a result! anyway, if not e30, what about e46 with dead 4cyl, then!? Make yer own 325Ti with BMW Lego!
  20. awesome, John. Where's the pics, mate? You managed to sell the Ci yet? If you still have it next week, we should do a mini-meet - love to drive it before it goes, and give you a taste of the wagon as it now runs.
  21. I reckon you're right, Dion!
  22. Olaf

    E46 1999 Alpine White

    it really does look tidy. 230kms, if it's well maintained, that's a drop in the bucket. And Alpinweiss? Perfect. GLWS Hey, Elijah - surely you need a BMW that runs? This is perfect, yeah?
  23. holy sht, is this not ripe for someone's e30 project? Nathan, have you thought of slinging this into the e30 group on FB? I'd have thought someone would snap up a good M54B25 and box at that price! PS - the stereo is fab, and the springs were just the thing, thanks.
  24. well, I washed mine after work the week before last, then drove home. Packed it, put it on the ferry, drove about 2400kms around the south island, didn't miss a beat. Couldn't imagine enjoying that trip in a japanese or korean FWD car.
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