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Everything posted by Olaf

  1. yeah I've often seen this one around, has a ton of Hartge on it. Used as a daily, IIRC. lovely.
  2. Sorry Dave. I'll get a phone list for text comms for next meet I organise. LIke a mechanic's car, electrician's house.... this was a project manager's day off and lacked in the organisation dept. <blush>
  3. well, I could do. not so sure about the Uro crowd though. it's on H&R Sportsprings, so whilst it's still FWD and all, it's reasonably composed. If only I hadn't gone for those Yokohamas last time... I'd be tempted to sell it for a really tidy 00 or 01 740i, I reckon.
  4. perhaps, though she's not a cheap tart in La Perla, is she?!
  5. buying another secondhand camera on TM before I've sorted selling the last one.
  6. Olaf

    Quick rant thread.

    you can be happy that (undoubtedly) the re-core shop you used at the turn of the millennium is no longer in business.
  7. at the risk of never being allowed to acquire one for my e46, my other vehicle is wondering.... "would my butt look big with a bimmersport sticker on it?"
  8. hell, give it a shot man. I'm not an automotive engineer, there may be better options than the red! Though I am somewhat one-eyed with that (past) trend for white-faced gauges. #8 )
  9. wow. good catch. Nathan, keep us posted, everyone here is rooting for your success. I do so like this place. Glenn, thanks for taking time to share your expertise. Graham, things will pick up. Keep boxing on, mate. #8 )
  10. yeah plus one on the pics of the sticks.
  11. Olaf


    2 cars, house, contents all with AA. Always excellent, they've really looked after us. No questions. Straightforward. Banks have asked to quote, never come close on price.
  12. the factory red is chosen to pick up the white highlights with lowest impact to your night vision. why would you go white?
  13. there, that's better. you got some aliteration going on there too. #8 )
  14. agreed, we should have had a government with the courage to introduce emmissions testing, twenty years ago.
  15. don't get me started on cat deletes; catalytic converters are the good things that convert the carcinoegenic output of our modern unleaded fuel into 'safe' polutants. deleting them from the emissions controls systems certainly gives a quick power gain. it's the low-brow approach; take the road less travelled! For something we drive daily, adding uncontrolled emissions of carcinogens into the atmosphere that our families/friends/colleagues/countrymen breath is questionable. Race cars - sure, go ahead. /rant
  16. they look good, John. I'll be going with Hawk performance pads next time. Are the 330 rotors a little bigger than the 325's? (these were my rears on the day we installed them). Power Slot rotors.
  17. Olaf

    E36 325i project car

    spring packers? why not just get the correct springs?
  18. I used Car Inspection Services in CHC ten years ago; paid them good money, bought car on strength of their positive report, and spent the next three years fixing sh*t that they didn't report and was aparrent as soon as I got the car to Wellington. Don't waste your money with those turkeys.
  19. Olaf

    Quick rant thread.

    you skinning them as well, Glenn? 'be a waste not to. A bloke I knew years ago started walking his boundaries every evening and every morning with a .22 with moderator and subs**, dispatching possums, rabbits, general pests. His pasture improved well beyond that of his neighbours, and his livestock condition improved to give him better prices at auction. ** don't try this in a residential area, readers!
  20. typical cat-herding; they're taking half the direction, but not facing the camera. sigh. #; )
  21. +4. cos not only are they stylish, but I'd like 4 stickers.
  22. took my daughter's passport photo yesterday, the 'hamming it up' images of her and her brother are golden. life is good.
  23. yeah looks good to me, well done #8 ) now to work on an easter edition: perhaps BMW bunny errr shagging an audi in cartoon form?
  24. Olaf

    Quick rant thread.

    1. hunting vs farming. 2. never confuse sales with delivery. The good news was they turned up Tuesday and fixed it quickly - 'loose connection at pole'. I wonder if it was like the old days with copper pairs - new install nicked yer pair. blammo, dis. Anyway, our offspring are delighted they have internet again. I always read books. I'm reading Wishart's latest book about the Olivia Hope/Ben Smart disappearances. It's not a thrilling read like Lawyers Guns and Money or the Paradise Conspiracy, but it certainly is interesting. I'm half way through and already I am convinced that although the conviction may be unsound, they certainly have the right guy in prison.
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