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Everything posted by Gabe79

  1. Gabe79

    Quick rant thread.

    New Zealand has more than one highway? ?
  2. Gabe79

    Quick rant thread.

    How good is your cell reception there? You might be better off with a mobile data plan.
  3. I've done my share of car work between 10pm and 1am. In my case it's to coincide with kids being asleep and not needing me. I am just too tired at night for that right now. I hope to have time before they turn 18!
  4. Penrite HPR5 on sale at Supercheap right now. http://www.supercheapauto.co.nz/Product/Penrite-HPR-5-Engine-Oil-5W-40-5-Litre/14911
  5. This thread is inspiring me to add items to my to-do-when-kids-let-me-sleep-and-have-time-for-myself list.
  6. Hi Allan, thanks for the input. The car is parked outside, reasonably level-ish on grass. Ive checked and rechecked the boot seal rubber, even having replaced it. ? Ill check the things you mentioned, but what drainage channels could this be related to?
  7. I don't think you'll be able to use just the EWS from the donor car, which is what you'd need for the keys to work. At a minimal, using the donor EWS without recoding it will give you a tamper dot on your mileage display. You can't use the donor keys if you code it either, as the keys won't match it either... Your EWS, DME, and LCM need to have the same VIN and that is also stored in your keys. The VIN on each of those can be changed to match the others, except for the keys. That said... Keys are the cheapest part of that setup (lie, LCM is cheapest, but you don't need one of those...) Basically, get your barrel fixed. The other options will end up costing more than you think, I think.
  8. Gabe79

    Buying a 335i

    Carjam has a service for vehicle history from Japan. https://carjam.co.nz/japan-history/ EDIT: Importing yourself is quite interesting. If you'll be using a service to do it for you, the odds of actually saving money versus buying here are quite small. All the savings get eaten up by fees (at least for the cars I looked at.)
  9. Note, if you have time, the sane thing to do is to remove everything up to your throttle body, clean throttle body and ICV and inspect everything you remove, plus all the CCV hoses. THEN you make a determination on what you need to replace. Now, this may be the sane thing, but is not what I did. I just bought the vast majority of the parts needed to get to the CCV, including the CCV setup itself, removed everything, cleaned CCV/ICV and replaced with new parts as put stuff back in. It fixed my problem. I found cracked hoses, leaking hoses, etc... This took me ~3 hours, as a newbie. The CCV replace was not actually so painful in the end. I watched a lot of youtube videos and it went really smoothly for me. I don't have a lot of time to work on my car, so rather than doing the sane thing, I threw money at it, under the (safe bet, it turned out) the assumption the previous owners hadn't replaced anything in that area in my poor car's 17 years of existence... The only real drawback of the "remove everything and inspect before deciding to replace..." approach is that, at least in my case, hoses literally disintegrated in my hands when I was removing them. Be very careful removing things you don't have replacements for. (Although I concede the offending/disintegrating hose was a CCV hose which was going to get replaced anyway...) I think up to the throttle body, you can safely remove and anything you find can still be usable, even if sub optimal, until you get a replacement part in.
  10. Sorry. I park outside. I thought about the condensation/moisture angle too. It doesn’t make sense. I scooped out a good litre of water from my spare wheel well after the most recent storms we had. I don’t think it’s a trickle, or a moisture issue it has to be a full on leak. It looks like it’s coming from behind the pdc controller somewhere. Need to just get in there with a torch. Edit: the boot Lining and contents are all dry. This is happening below, or behind all that, but above that vent by the battery. I thought to be a seam cracked too. Might still be. I have to remove be the bumper to fix some broken pdcs. That’ll be a good time to visually inspect the outside of that area.
  11. Whilst I may also have a leak while driving, the car hasn’t been driven in awhile now and not at all in the rain/wet. This leak is happening parked. I’ll just have to go in there and having someone with a water hose outside.
  12. A mate suggested the same. I have fold down seats and today checked my emergency latch release works. ? thats the the next step here.
  13. Replace CCV, clean throttle body and ICV. I had the same issue. This is what fixed for me.
  14. No sunroof. I have wheel arches in the rear. i don’t know if it leaks when driven, I only notice it when it’s parked and I look in the boot. ? the battery drain grommet is below this point it cannot be he source of water to here. (And it is in place)
  15. Ok, much more exploring later... It isn't the vent, or the tube. It's exactly like this thread for me: https://www.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?2319675-Water-leak-in-trunk I have water in the section behind that pillar. I have taken out my tail lights and the seals look good. I went a step further and added dab-off to the outside edges of my tail light gasket anyway. Any ideas really appreciated... Ignore the labels though, behind my pillar it's all wet.
  16. I found a thread on that exact topic last night! I’ll link more when in front of a computer. There is also a vent hole under the gas filler flap that might be at fault. I’ll be digging more today.
  17. Thanks for the info on the modules. When I took out the crap up front, I lost radio (and gained a steering wheel control module error, which I am sure is related...) I'll clean up the wires in the boot tomorrow if I get a chance, and return everything to stock wiring and see where I am then. I'll figure out a better/different bluetooth solution in the future. For the leak, my only reasoning for saying the hose/vent tube is suspect is based on three factors. One, it's a hose. Water and hoses... (I concede this is flimsy) and Two, it's a vent tube, to the outside of the car. Rain comes in from the outside of the car... I need to figure out where this hose ends up at its other end. Finally, Three... It is exactly where the worse of the water damage is. I poured buckets of water over my boot today, and couldn't get water to show up inside at all. I've replaced the boot seal and tail light gaskets to date. I really don't think it's the boot seal, since nothing is wet in the boot proper, only in the spare wheel well. The water has to be coming in lower than the seal, and it isn't the light gaskets...
  18. I’m not ripping anything out related to the hose. ? I just want to know what it’s for and if it’s the source of the water that I find in my boot/spare wheel well after storms.
  19. Yeah, I realise now the picture angle is poor. It is looking up under the battery. That tube comes out the top, it looks like from the picture, on the body itself. Runs behind the positive terminal side of the battery, and just hangs out there. It exits right by where he worse of the water marks are, so mine is a correlational guess that it is the source of the water...
  20. So it's entirely a coincidence that exactly where that little tube comes out I have a water leak? (you can see the water marks on the side there)
  21. Coding and cleaning day... (not that kind of cleaning...) Replaced busted LCM. Trivial recoding with PA Soft, happy to show anyone how, or do for anyone else. Cleaned my AC control unit. Years worth of grime and dust removed from the little fan, and Removed previous owner's hands free kit and nasty wiring. I need to redo stuff in the boot too. It's all mucked up. I need to remove a bunch of crap from the boot too... Can anyone tell me what each of those devices in the trunk are? The 6-disc changer is obvious. What are the two silver ones? What about the black one in the back, amp? What is supposed to be connected to that white connector next to the blue one? Found a weird looking hose in the boot. I don't know wtf it does. It sure makes me think it's the source of my leak... I need to remove the battery to see where it goes, not keen on that!
  22. That. Was. Fast. EDIT: No, it sold... https://www.turners.co.nz/Cars/Used-Cars-for-Sale/bmw/3-series/16842906/
  23. Nah. Don't do e60. Get the e61!
  24. The lack of motorsport makes it really overpriced... but otherwise, it also makes the car more appealing to me, personally. It's even blue!! Couldn't tell that from some of the photos, didn't notice till I saw the VIN colour code.
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