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Everything posted by polley

  1. As Glenn mentioned, unmetered air flow.
  2. Pick a part tga have the sump etc. $9. Would of taken it myself and kept as a spare but did not have tools with me.
  3. polley

    318i coupe

    Was 360hp last time it went on the dyno. Suspect it's around the 400 mark now after a bit of tweaking.
  4. polley

    318i coupe

    No welders were harmed I have mounted the sensors and wired them in and confirmed ecu is seeing them, just haven't configured TC yet.
  5. No doubt they will be wanting wider wheels and skinnier tyres.
  6. Easier to stay at home on the benefit than learn skills and get a job.
  7. You'll also want to machine the front of the nv intake cam if you're installing it on the exhaust side, to keep the chain in alignment.
  8. polley

    318i coupe

    Will try 27ish next time.
  9. polley

    318i coupe

    Few beers and popped some tyres. 5th gear, speedo reading off the clock. https://youtu.be/tUpikZfCR24
  10. Old hose, or over pressurised. Or combination of both.
  11. Have started many things with mine already, super handy.
  12. If anyone was seriously looking for a nice e9 they would go see it in person anyway.
  13. Used to be that you couldn't give them away, now people want silly money for them
  14. Customs don't care what it is unless it's drugs or food/plants etc. But yes, the sender attatches a invoice and declares how much its worth. Customs charges you based on that.
  15. So what? I know of people with cars worth a lot more than 100k and they don't even own a cell phone.
  16. I have an M62B44 and a Getrag 420g manual box for it. But you will need a lot more than $2k to pry both of them from my hands.
  17. polley

    Quick rant thread.

    See it everyday, it's a fact of life. However there is worse things in the world causing more trouble than racism ever has, like religion for example.
  18. polley

    Quick rant thread.

    White people murdered my family and stole my land. Good enough reason.
  19. polley

    Bbs rs rims

    Swaps for a xbok360, two pitty pups and a tinny?
  20. polley

    Quick rant thread.

    Some old people have good reason to be the way they are. They likely saw or experienced some nasty things during war time's.
  21. polley

    Quick rant thread.

    Rearranging things and keeping things behind? She's nesting. Leave before your life is over.
  22. polley

    Quick rant thread.

    Not just old people. I do it too.
  23. Jacking up front of car so it is higher can help as well.
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