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Everything posted by M5V8

  1. well you picked it. Love the wheels. love the colour. AND it's got the Msport front end. You know i'm going to try to steal it right? ... lol.
  2. duuuuude. that's freakin epic lookin! I'm so jelous! how did you find that??
  3. well they are both very manual cars, so alot would be down to the driver. Not that an M5 is slow mind you...
  4. sounds like a juicy story.... do tell...
  5. run. run like your life depends on it.
  6. OMG......... OMG OMG OMG
  7. mate that is a beautiful car. I'm in the same situation with my M5. I could never start to recover what I have spent on it. So since it still meets all my needs I probably will never sell it. (famous last words). Good luck with the sale. Without doubt the nicest looking M3 i've seen in awhile.
  8. low(ish) k's but man it's has a rough life. looks like it's been used as a getaway car.... is it this car?
  9. Whilst unfortunately you might be right here mate, there's plenty of punters on this forum whom value an industry expert being a forum member. Maybe we don't shout as loud as the others but it doesn't mean we don't read, research, learn and understand more about the subject as a result. This is valuable to the community as a whole. So thank you for taking the time to chime in occasionally. Some people do listen.
  10. Yet they had plenty of time to fix the drift car each week....... It's probably a good thing you have STM tuning your car, I have seen plenty of evidence Aaron's bullshit extended to his tuning abilities also. I'd recommend you get their work checked for your own piece of mind. Good luck with the build bro.
  11. Yep. That's what threw me. Now I just need to get a life. lol...
  12. Can I also throw out the A6 has some exhaust mods? My old man had a A6 4.2 back in the day. It didn't sound like that.
  13. Apology accepted. Mate I'm truly sorry you got caught by them too. Posting here I was just trying to help members to avoid that exact situation. I just hope it didn't cost you even half what it cost me.
  14. Yayy! I'll take the kudos. Lets play again.
  15. is there anyway to give us a alittle more info without giving it away?..... quite like this game.
  16. lights look audi (ish) the engine sounds V6. I think Nath has it.
  17. No augment there. Absolutely correct. Anyone that hasn't see the two videos in question can't be much of a F1 fan. It's even more impressive when you realise whom he is passing at Donnington. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh6bwZ4ooTI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pA0mOxxeTA
  18. good doco but not really where it all started. I was thinking they would be going back to his karting days in bazil. Where he made his first mark on F1 should be the title. Better footage of the race here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swlgR4BB8ZA
  19. great review. the future is with us & it looks good.
  20. .....or the hookers & blow. Don't forget them.
  21. Suresh, there are can's of spray goo that you can get from repco & supercheap. Not a permanent fix but could get you home. something to tide you over until you get the M kit.
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