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Everything posted by M5V8

  1. the point here people is. ..............go have fun. enjoy the day but know the limitations of a heavy car on the racetrack. Be mindful of the road basis of alot of the components. Racecars are expensive beasts as alot of their equipment is specially designed to handle the stress & heat of competition. Brakes are the big one. Please don't let anyone here put you off having a blast around a racetrack. It's fun, you meet lots of nice like minded people. With some thought you should come away with your car in 1 piece and maybe some new skills that will serve you well when you are back on the road.
  2. there's no auto ban on track days .......
  3. there's alot of $ in maintenance listed as done there. The car's got high kms you need to expect it's not going to be perfect. And the price reflects that. I think the important part is checking the service history. Has the services been by the book, regular, and by qualified technicians. All the listed work he should have paperwork for also. a compression report to check the health of the motor wouldn't hurt but that will cost as it will take a few hours to complete.
  4. that's some masterfull taping right there. I bet that took freakin ages! lols.
  5. the edges of the red come up clean ?
  6. sorry we don't want to put you off track days. they are a great place to hone your driving skills. Go. Do it. Just take it easy on the brakes. Make sure the rest of the car has had a good service. warm the tyres up and cool the car down. Don't try for lap times. my last effort. slow in. fast out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaO6KnkMUrk
  7. M5V8

    Benz E63 AMG

    no it's not. but I was trying to get the best figure I could just to see what it could do if pushed. That was with 3 adults, luggage, 2 dogs travelling nearly the speed limit (around 90ish if I recall) Taupo to Wtgn. Most cars that get 8lt/100 are in the 4 or 6 cly, boring as bat-sh*t category i know what i'd rather have.
  8. M5V8

    Benz E63 AMG

    I regularly see 10l/100 on the open road. Yes leadfooted drivers will see 14-15 in urban areas. But driven right I've got her down to 9.2l/100. Just couldn't quite get a 8. I don't know how many V8's get a real world 9l/100. not many..... if any.
  9. this is what I resorted to also
  10. from someone whom's tracked their e39. $1500 in brakes later. Probably wont do that again.
  11. M5V8

    E39 540

    oooooh. super. now I just need his sweet, sweet silver racing jacket and toothpick. the girls will swoon!
  12. M5V8

    E39 540

    nope....gutted. lols
  13. welcome! check out the wtgn meets forum if you are keen to join in any events.
  14. M5V8

    E39 540

    did the super sweet leather driving gloves come with?
  15. M5V8


    apparently even Nikki admitted that his portrail was spot on. cant wait
  16. +1 i agree. Caramel looks great.
  17. M5V8

    Xbone or PS4?

    wow yeah they kept that quiet. hmmm...
  18. interesting my 2003 M5 used about that amount of oil also. Usually only when pushed hard for extended periods. I went through a 1lt during Targa 2007. My current 2002, never used even a drop.
  19. M5V8

    Xbone or PS4?

    nick, what makes you think that sony are going to charge for online services?
  20. M5V8

    Xbone or PS4?

    after having my xbox "repaired" 4 times i smashed it with a hammer and vowed never to buy another one. let alone pay for online play. PS4 on pre-order.
  21. 178ks & going strong. makes me think. With regular maintenance what would be the expected lifespan of one of these engines? has anyone heard of one with double that still going?
  22. the family garage is gettin pretty epic Tristan
  23. NICE! I so want one of these in white. There's one up the road from me. Looks so good rollin past.
  24. M5V8

    Benz E63 AMG

    here we go again...... DSP is digital sound processing. Basically all the fancy pants sound effects you can adjust the sound to within the headunit menu's. whilst great in theory it makes upgrading a pain. I've stuck with the orginal amp & sub setup as it still sounds good and wasn't worth the trouble upgrading. There are various threads in the audio section you can read up about this.
  25. it's the same $ and points. there should be more information on the back of the ticket (or there used to be). Pay up. move on.
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