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Tristan last won the day on April 27 2016

Tristan had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

338 Excellent

About Tristan

  • Rank
    7th Gear
  • Birthday 05/21/1992

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  • Car
    F10 M5
  • Car 2
    E70 X5

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  1. Have you still got this Adeeb? How many Ks now?
  2. They'll come soon enough
  3. 9 years ago in July you commented on my first introduction thread... now we've both bought F10 M5s within a week of each other ? so coincidental What a car to get!
  4. Previous owner Matt from the forum? Blast from the past!
  5. Hi Francois This is a friend's one but it's the same thing (minus tips)
  6. Full catback exhaust $350 need the space, has to go Low Ks, NZ New, never used - just bought as spare. Car sold now so needs to go.
  7. That M5 trim is stunning.
  8. The owner of this is an older lady - used to be my neighbour
  9. Haven't gone through whole thread but I have an 09 35d which is brilliant but we also have a 2013 30d Performance Edition and the 8 speed gearbox is leagues ahead of the 6 speed. It feels on-par or even faster than my 35d despite having 30kw less and 100(iirc) nm less Drive both, but I know that if I was getting a Performance Edition with similar Ks to mine I'd be paying at least $20K more than what I did for my E70
  10. Demon Graphics in East Auckland can do sticker plates and plates onto PVC to replicate NZ ones in NZ Font Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Taylor rebuilt my S65 (as mentioned at great expense) but they've done a great job. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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