Fuggin' retrofit 3rd brake lights.
Who's idea was this? From Jan 1st 1990 you must have a third brake light on a vehicle. Any car manufactured after this date and imported to NZ must have one retro-fitted. So that's BMW E30s manufactured in 1990. Not (identical) BMW E30s manufactured in 1989.
I've got enough on my plate dealing with redundancy and trying to make ends meet while shipping Mrs M to the UK for her mother's funeral (we'd all go, but money doesn't allow that).
So, having made the sad (not as sad as losing my Mother-in-Law, obviously) decision to sell the Baur if work doesn't turn up in the meantime, imagine exactly how pleased I was to witness the complete and utter shambles of a job which was done to fit a 3rd brake light in the middle of the boot lid. Basically - the boot lid is trash. Completely stuffed. Not only did the lid not receive any sort of prep or corrosion inhibiting treatment when the holes were gouged out of it (use the 1/2" drill bit straight into sheet metal - no pilot hole) but close inspection reveals it was creased when this was done.
It's rotted across 50% of the boot lid, including rusting through. Most of the panel looked fine, but that was because corrosion from the inside hadn't broken through the outside paint.
Repair is possible, but any welding is likely to distort the panel even more than it is already. So it'll be a replacement bootlid, prep, paint, paint matching...
Wouldn't it be nice if others could make the effort to look after our cars as well as we will?