Cheers guys,
been pretty sh*t with the updates and now im getting things back on track, whats happened in the past year since i had the engine dynoed, ive always had an issue with a vibration at 3k that would rattle my teeth, it was pretty bad, i spent countless hours looking over every thing and came to the conclusion it was an imbalance in the engine possibly from incorrect balancing, so i teared down the engine and sent it back to the engine re-conditioners to get checked and they found it was way out, they were real good about it and covered the cost of new bearings rings gaskets etc to rebuild it, i've just finished putting it all back together and is going in to get dyno tuned on Wednesday, the first dyno i had the valves set so there was about .75mm of overlap and the power dropped off at high rpm so ive set them at around 3mm of overlap to see if the power range would move up...
Right now the engine has a lumpy idle, im guessing its due to the overlap and a bit of revision but as soon you give it a bit of gas it is super smooth and little to no vibrations at all
Other things added is a fast response IAT and auxiliary water pump to the turbo and waste-gate coolant lines to make sure the coolant flows in the right direction