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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    WTB: E30

  2. If you're willing to take the risk, ain't nothing wrong with that
  3. Enter the gearbox type on the ad as it doesn't show if you search manual bmws. Should get a few more hits
  4. Gaz


    Fs: complete m62b46 - if you are going v8 then this is one you want. Out of an x5 4.6is done around 205km, has a few oil leaks as expected. Also comes with 5/7 series oil pump and a non vanos lower timing cover so you can fit a standard alternator which is needed for clearance in you e36/e46. Hoping for 5k.. Selling as opportunity to go 1jz has appeared Christchurch
  5. This will be interesting to see where the market sits. Especially compared to the rough $45k one https://www.trademe.co.nz/5140389388
  6. Try find a m50 catless midsection https://youtu.be/N1Tmf5JpAag?si=yAvYwN4dfYoe7FkA
  7. Remote keys for e36 are NLA. I got a non remote key for a compact last year. Cant remember how much but wasn't crazy
  8. Car is like 5months old and under 500km and bmw insurance used to replace the vehicle pretty quickly if it was under a year old from memory. I'd imagine the wait on parts is probably significant so also the cost of the driver having a loan car would stack up quickly. Insurance companies also get monitored on how long claims are open for which also impacts their decisions
  9. Elite wheels for the rim repair
  10. Looks hot mate, even if it is mtech1 🤣
  11. Gaz


    Regulator is Skoda talk for thermostat. Best to replace them together as they always leak all the time.
  12. 1952 Ferrari 212, only 5000miles on it
  13. Gaz

    The Family Tractor

    Yes control units do go faulty. Replace all 6 glow plugs and the control unit
  14. https://www.turners.co.nz/Damaged-Vehicles/Damaged-Cars-for-Sale/bmw/x5/26359777 Project one here. Maybe an e39 swap?
  15. Ice Cube always had some good taste https://youtu.be/vvvQwYXPV-s?si=EKAjFhI2i4QwMpcD
  16. https://www.manheim.co.nz/damaged-vehicles/000000000007020622/2010-bmw-m3-sedan?referringPage=SearchResults
  17. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/J68T4thEqubQscAM/?mibextid=kL3p88 Don't know if it's any good but maybe useful to someone
  18. Gaz

    E36 m3 getrag 420g

    Getrag 420g from an e36 m3 evo, currently still fitted up to my 328 wagon so any prospective buyers can do any checks they'd like. Gearbox only. $3750
  19. Gaz

    Quick Questions

    You're thinking of brake pad wear sensors
  20. Don't know if you've seen this but might have something on it that's still good https://www.facebook.com/share/dvmGqt7wek9cWGJE/?mibextid=kL3p88 You could also try Ernie at Hinds Classics near Ashburton but shipping maybe cost prohibitive
  21. Bmw dealer, about $35 odd
  22. Not a wagon but this just popped up on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/xLFtbdhe5jiRgni7/?mibextid=kL3p88
  23. I wouldn't stress about that. Nzta actually want vehicle fails, eg if a car comes in and needs wipers for a wof, even if you replace them on the spot, you should enter a fail/recheck instead of a straight pass
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