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Everything posted by LemonHunter

  1. On the vehicle information for an E36 328is Msport the last line is S962 Engine characteristic curves
  2. TradeMe Interesting for some perhaps, I've always thought an alpina E30 B6 3.5 would be a delightful drive, next best thing at an affordable price. Images for posterity.
  3. What do people thing this will realistically go for? around $2.5k, up to $5K or beyond?
  4. As above, you nailed a lot, I want more, the funny stuff was good, but, it was missing something, i can't put my finger on it. Be brutal when you edit, maybe you already have been, but be more brutal, ask yourself, does this raise or lower the overall quality/engagement. My own experience was making a time lapse film, heck, while I'm sitting here being hard on your work I'll link mine so you can go on and CC back if you wish, it seems fair, mines a purely visual journey, but, the point is, i spent about 4 days filming, I filmed about 24 sequences, and I only used about half a dozen. It's not easy, we make cool work that we're proud of and we want to show everyone, but, it's not about what you want to show them, it's about what they want to see, untill you get famous, then you can do what you want. When I look back I'd change a lot about it, this was before Hyperlapses and everyone was doing sh*t like that, but I cut a lot that I liked, and if I made it again, i'd change a lot, credits, title, and I wouldn't have used some of the scenes I did actually used, I'd have sucked it up and chopped it to under 2 mins. You ever seen a directors cut of a movie? like an hour longer, that's what they want, and that's 3 hours of probably 5 hours worth of linear timeline and god knows how many different takes to go through. I think you have great potential, but be more brutal. If i make another video, I'll not be in such a rush to get it on the internet, I already watch it half a dozen or more times the day I finish it and upload, but In future, I think I'll Make it and park it for a week. Watch it again and park it for a week, then watch it again. My attempt at being awesome and famous for making videos :
  5. Not sure if you're seeking CC, if not, stop reading. But I offer it because I like your vibe, your passionate, and you've put a lot of effort into this, it's hard enough making a 2 minute video let alone nearly 10. At the start of the video i couldn't tell if I was more distracted by the top of your head being cut off or having to stare up your nose. The drone use and other cinematography is cool, but in my opinion, cars never look good on grass, the green reflection messes with the cars actual colour, and the texture messes with perception of the curves. and hells teeth, you need to stabilise the camera on you while driving, I get that M and other race derived cars are rough on bumps, but that's hard to watch, a lighter camera will move less than that massive DSLR and 24-70? If you're going to do cool cornering shots in an M car, jesus man, cut the apex right (first cornering shot) or some people will judge (I did). And last but not least, though I appreciate that a 9 minute video takes work, but most people get bored after about 3 minutes if theres no guns, drugs, violence, plane, robots, violence, guns, violence girls, sex, speed or noise. I think perhaps you're adlibbing in the summary in the end? Scrip and cut the pauses at. I think looking at what your talking about is strange, when your not making eye contact with the camera its not as engaging, try keep them under 5 and I think you'll have more people engaged. I get a Jeremy Clarkson Metaphorical type vibe, but he scripts and rehearses and keeps it all short, and is passionate, you seemed a little bored in your summary, and one single camera angle with zero cuts is not engaging, you don't need to go full on bubblepopgumyoutubeceleb cut every 5 words, but, change it up a bit. My $200.02c. Sorry if it makes me seem like a dick, well, I am a dick, but I'm not trying to be here.
  6. So is your E46 all done or are you one of those people that reads like 5 books at once? (Stoked for you to find such awesome E34's and do something really awesome to them)
  7. Can't for the life of me work out why she'd be holding the gear knob while in the passenger... oh wait... i get it now.
  8. I dunno man, they seem to handle alright with a bit of power.
  9. I didn't mind an ulterior motive as long as it came with gossip and info anyway Agreed, classic styling with modern performance is always a hit (Did you see the Jay Lenos garage with the dude that had an S10 in a 2002ti?) French hatches look wonderful, I agree, I've heard (slightly more) horror stories resulting from them than Beamers, though, the beamer horrors tend to be with everything post E46.
  10. I am the guy that contemplated a through bonnet bug catcher when I briefly owned an M70 converted E34 though, my taste probably isn’t indicative of the majority.
  11. Acquired taste for some perhaps, But i think it's gorgeous. Disappears off to daydream about what it would sound/drive like with the P60B40
  12. Well that's going on my watch list. We should have a guess the final price poll. @clio v6 can't help but notice that you appear to have joined Bimmersport for the purpose of posting this listing, do you know the car or the owner some how? Many here would be interested in inside info if this is a smoke screen. (Deduction via 12 minute old account, and no BMW's in your list of cars, don't mean to sound ungrateful as this is a pearler of a car that'll have a bit of interest here)
  13. Also converted TO left hand drive, handy for CW race tracks I suppose but less so maybe for Targa... and yeah, it's a lot of effort to not go whole hog. Sticker price is $59,999 presumable thats RTR.
  14. This looks like a laugh, hoping he'll post Dyno figures because reasons. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a.aspx?id=1621475576
  15. I'll go check it out if I have time before it closes. I suspect this is the one that's been on the side of the road for a month or so out in edgeware(ish), the guy wanted $1950 but it never sold there, he might have needed the cash post haste so Turners picked it up for $1400 or less maybe.
  16. The stupidest part of all of this, is the NZ vendors pushing for removing the $400 import limit so GST is charged on everything, as if 15% additional cost will make any difference, if the price difference is 15% -20% most people will buy locally for immediacy already.
  17. An engine starting with S or V8 > Anything really. IMHO anyway.
  18. God damn it! DHL is doing it now too! USA - DHLCHCH - 4 days DHLCHCH - MECHCH - 3 days so far.
  19. LemonHunter

    1990 E32 735i

    This nice man, good luck with the sale.
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