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MD13 last won the day on February 23

MD13 had the most liked content!

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526 Excellent

1 Follower

About MD13

  • Rank
    4th Gear

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  • Location
    North Shore
  • Car
    Golf r

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  1. Hey Arjun. Pretty big leap from a 323 to an m3!
  2. ^^ discussed here - Rough
  3. Nice car. If manual would be interested but imagine you'd want close to double the money and it still wouldn't get a WOF as no coil over suspension...
  4. So a little confused... auto car converted to manual and carted. Then converted back to auto?
  5. Think a bunch of us use spareto. I got my last shipment in 5 days.
  6. Why is there always someone asking if the cruise control works?
  7. Saw this yesterday and immediately thought wtf 🙂 Wondering about those "details"... Maybe it's v10 swapped, 6 speed manual and all m5 running gear?
  8. ^ wow! Specimens 😂
  9. Says structural and chassis damage. Also says manual though...
  10. Wow they want $17k for an auto! That doesn't seem very sane to me...
  11. Likely doesn't know. Unsure if they'd care...
  12. Was on trade me for a smidge under $20K. Polish and better better photos adds 5... And you can't comment on dealer listings can you?
  13. Red coupe on fb yesterday. Looks like a rolling body for $4500.
  14. ^ and sunroof! Saw another e30 on fb this morning. No wof or rego due to rust. Listed for 6k.
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