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Everything posted by liyi_92

  1. Hey martyp. Should play on the Flickshot NZ [Ranked] Office server.
  2. liyi_92


    It somehow feels like "most" people who buy Apple products are people who want to act "cooler" and try giving me the idea their devices is "better" than mine even though they don't even know what RAM stands for and what it does etc.
  3. I know (and bought my car off) the owner of the Christchurch branch Driftmax. Maybe if anyone is keen I can talk to them to see if they are keen to sponser bimmersportNZ and give us some discounts?
  4. Is this the driftmax store you guys are talking about? http://www.driftmax.co.nz/ Cnr of Industry Road 2-431 Church St East (Besides a cafeteria) Penrose Auckland
  5. I'm gonna be the oddball and say the other one that was on there originally looks better... but thats just me
  6. sp9s you mean you had to point the key at the little red nose on the mirror right?
  7. liyi_92


    Windows phone 7 user for me. Although I want to change to Android
  8. I think BMW's "lifetime" means the period of ownership of the first buyer
  9. It should work... Which ignition position did you switch to? Try both position 1 and 2. Also I think when you are reprogramming keys you know to do the whole set not jus the ones not working.
  10. So whats a dipstick again? Haha jokes.... but really what is it? ***Sarcasm***
  11. I would go for the silver M-sport 540i personally
  12. Has anyone seen this Boxster around AKL? I think this is one of the hottest Boxsters I've seen...
  13. I think its a heater with music capabilities? But would it make more sense to have a seperate stereo and a heater?
  14. Style 65 For Sale Are all E39 M5 wheels made staggered? May be keen if genuine.
  15. In China if you can buy a cayenne or such you have the money to buy a lamborghini anywhere in the world.
  16. I second that. As sad as it sounds some of these cars just aren't worth as much as they should.
  17. Also assuming surface is even, what do they look like when moving? Wouldn't it look the opposite of "spinners" as it would keep reflecting making the wheels look like its not "moving"? Have yet to see these in real life so I have no idea what they look like lol.
  18. Abomination.... I thought it was a photoshopped image at first sight.
  19. Damaged 540i Thoughts on "Lucas" branded stuff?
  20. I think it would be useful. Maybe have a list including dishonest traders, scammers, and shoddy rip off jobs?
  21. The C63 AMG Coupe looks, sounds and goes amazing. Practical, Reliable everyday "supercar"
  22. Maybe we need a discussion place where we can submit "places to avoid", "scammers on trademe" and generally people producing goods or services that are no good.
  23. Nice! I think it fits the e46 better though? Maybe the photo just isn't doing any justice
  24. Hot stuff click here! Chromies make all the differences!
  25. As some know I have been looking for a 540i for the power upgrade from my current car. My friend suggested to me to get a 330ci instead. Realistically which car would be faster 0-100? and 100+? Went to test drive a 2003 CLK500 but sadly didn't end up buying it. Any of these cars produce similar performance? Thanks, Andy
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