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Ace Of Spades

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About Ace Of Spades

  • Rank
    3rd Gear
  • Birthday 08/11/1993

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  • Location
    Cockle Bay
  • Car
    Toyota Hilux
  • Mods List
    Work hack
  • Car 2
    E30 325i wagon

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  1. I'll take one for a Z3 steering rack conversion please Mark. Ill Pm you for details
  2. Hey Team, I have a quick question for anyone who has any and knowledge/contacts/information about these old beautiful "new 6's". I am in the process of trying to track down body panels (rust damaged) to try save one of these old girls. Car in question is 1972 e3 2500 automatic. She's in very good condition bar doors, fenders, bonnet and boot. So I'm basically looking for most body panels in as good of condition as I can find them. Does anyone know of anyone who has wrecked/broken these before or other wreckers/hoarders who might have any parts?? (I maybe able to trade them for interior/engine/drivetrain parts if need/required) Cheers!
  3. Just after some very good condition ones due to mine falling apart and failing to “click”. Cheers Sam
  4. Hey @*Glenn* You wouldn't be able to list them would you? I can make out most of them but there are a few I've not seen before/don't recognize and am currently overseas (Will struggle to view
  5. SICK! Ray these 1 series you keep pulling out have got me wondering if there is an itch that needs scratching... What would be the cost vs performance gain be compared to the 140i S56 or the 135i n54? Is there a manual trans that would hold the torque? Which one of the 3 would be the best for the daily commute?
  6. Does anyone have a contact for VDO gauge's? Trying not to by them from repco at an extortionate price.. Also willing to use others but looking for period correct ones.
  7. Sorry no, ended up buying a whole motor setup insted
  8. Ace Of Spades


    Wanting a long block or at least a head with unbent valves. Cheers
  9. Troy: First pulled the hose off the hard line and it was gushing, and then pulled a spark plug which was dripping with fuel, so I am assuming its got plenty. Re checked the crank sensor and its also showing as per the book. I'm heading to BnT tomorrow to pick up a timing light. Lucan: Yeah cranks fine and could spin the rear wheels with the starter. If you are around it looks like Thursday I will be pulling it all back apart. Updates: Re-did the compression test again tonight (without assistance) and there is no compression on any cylinders which makes me think there was also no compression yesterday. There is also now a huge amount of blow by coming back out of the intake. Bent valve and it's timing out is now what I think maybe the cause for not starting, will start pulling it apart Thursday after I check with a timing light...
  10. No timing light unfortunately, however Valve train is rotating and compression is above 120 on all cylinders. It was running when pulled from the donor car and I have not changed/removed anything off the block either. If it does have fuel, spark and compression, what else is needed to start? could it be a bad DME?
  11. Cheers guys, I have checked distributor/rotor and it looks intact and no small pieces were to be found while pulling it apart. It is fairly worn but still looks to be in working order. I am going back through the Bentley to re check all fuses and relays needed for starting... Any other ideas?
  12. Morning Team. Having a nightmare trying to figure out why this lady will not start.. 1991 e30 with an 89 e34 535i m30. I finished the swap about a month ago and got it started for 1-2 mins before my buddie played with the throttle to try and get it to idle lower... In doing so we heard a fairly loud plastic tick/crack and the motor died.. After we could not get it to start and put it down to a broken tps... From there I have done a 3 wire tps swap (auto to manual) and setup all the other wires as needed. I have run a multi meter across the tps and am getting the correct voltage and continuity between the pins as per the Bentley manual... I have pulled the plugs and have spark on all cylinders as well as fuel for all. Crank sensor is within 540 + - oms. I tried carby cleaner in the intake and got a cough but nothing else.. Ideas? Am I missing something simple? If anyone is keen on some cash/beers/joy rides once finished and is willing to come round and lend a hand, would be greatly apricated! I'm in east auckland. Cheers
  13. Gas torch, get it very hot and small bends at a time on a soft surface roller. (Used a vice and wooden rolling pin)
  14. Hey Team Desperately looking for a 3 pin M 1.3 TPS to check against the one in the car. If you also happen to have a plug that would be mint! It is now not starting but is getting fuel and spark so I am going down the trouble shooting route Cheers
  15. Sound dampening material from engine bay firewall?
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