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About curryinahurry

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 02/17/1987

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  • Car
    E30 325i SE
  • Car 2
    E46 330d
  • Car 3
    E70 X5 3.0SD

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  1. Hi Team, The door brakes on my E46 sedan has worn out and the door wont stay open. Any one got a good used one for sale? Preferably from the passenger door since those are less used.
  2. Looking at the trademe listing above, I'd have some concerns about the poor fuel economy (10.8/100km). Mine is the older, less efficient M57 and I get a flat 10.0/100km through mainly town driving with the odd longer drive. It kinda suggests this car doesn't get a good run to clean the DPF regularly...
  3. I might have one. I've forgotten whether its left or right... will check when i get home.
  4. The master cylinder is leaking internally on my E30. I'm was wondering what you guys think is the best option? 1. Rebuild factory cylinder: Should be cheapest and not too difficult. But wheres a good place to get a refurb kit? 2. E32 Swap: This is a bit cheaper than buying an E30 cylinder new from FCP. Looks like it requires some modification to the hardlines. 3. E90 Booster + master cylinder swap: Abundant, cheap, and will future proof a 24v swap. Has anyone tried this? Looks like it has been done before but its not well documented so I'm not sure whats required. Love to hear your thoughts and experiences! Cheers, Andrew
  5. Very cool! Its a shame I don't have an E12. Can possibly turn it into garage furniture...
  6. I can help with used factory bulb, or new LED replacements.
  7. Thanks Brent - sorry not keen on a full set of that style...
  8. Had my cracked wheel welded... unfortunately it has cracked again already. If anyone has one for sale please let me know!!
  9. Probably had a DPF delete. The DPF takes care of all the particulates... adblue only converts the NOx gases to CO2 and are not visible.
  10. Thanks! I just rung up but unfortunately sold already. So i'm still looking!
  11. I go quite easy on them since its just the family car. But no complaints, no issue with grip, noise or wear so far...
  12. Hi Team, I'm looking for a replacement front wheel on my E70. Mines got a crack - so i'm hoping to look for a replacement before I consider getting it weleded. Please let me know if you have one for sale. < 13-Jul-22 - Still looking!!! Please PM me if you have one for sale >
  13. I have a pair of black leather sports seat from E46 sedan (non heated) if you're interested. They are manual rather than electric, so can be folded pretty easily.
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