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Arma last won the day on June 26 2014

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134 Excellent

About Arma

  • Rank
    3rd Gear
  • Birthday 09/15/1988

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Adeeb Armalite
  • Location
    Auckland, New Zealand
  • Car
    2012 M135i White
  • Mods List
    MHD Stage 1 98 RON flash, XHP Stage 3 flash, VRSF Chargepipe
  • Car 2
    2001 530i M Sport

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  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Music production

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  1. Gave her a compulsory wash after a bit of work done over the last week 🙂 Sump leak that's been gradually getting worse - fixed! Brake fluid flush (there was moisture apparently) - done! Con-rod bearings were showing a fair bit of wear. Replace all 12 bearings? - done! Other than that a regular service/do-over and WOF passed with flying colors. Car is still running very nicely, and after having a 116i as my loan car for a week boy am I glad to have this thing back.
  2. Tyres were at the end of their life, so decided to get a new set of 4. I was going to stick to the Michelin PSS, but i wanted to do something I had tried and liked before and went with the Bridgestone RE050A's. I also decided to go slightly wider on the back, replacing 245s with 255/35/18. These tyres feel awesome, quiet yet so much grip.
  3. Anyone here done the rocker cover gasket replacement on an N55 (in a 2012 M135i) and able to tell me how labor intensive it is? I'd like to tackle myself but have limited time to be without the car atm so will take to the shop if it's too big of a job. I've seen a few videos and they all seem pretty fidgety in terms of just getting clearance to remove the parts. Smelly burning oil and little bits of white smoke coming from engine bay is what is making me assume it's a RCG leak, but still need to confirm
  4. Arma

    XHP tune

    I got the stage 3 tune on my M135i and it does indeed make a good improvement. Shifts are so much faster in sport+ mode.
  5. Car randomly through a drivetrain warning last night. I have noticed on cold starts the car idles very rough, especially when putting the car into gear (any gear including reverse) - almost like it's going to die. I turned the car off, then turned back on again, and the error was gone. Car drove fine (was a 30km drive home afterwards) and the error didn't show up again. I'm going to guess that the error is going to pop up again at some point, maybe in a week... so I might book the car in for the shop to have a look. Research shows that most drivetrain warnings are caused by all sorts of different things from spark plugs, coils, to injectors, HPFP etc. I had brand new spark plugs installed about 3-4 months ago, so can't imagine it's that. Hopefully the shop finds the issue easily :)
  6. Latest vehicle alarm system. Pros: Loud, effective Cons: Not very portable
  7. Dropped in an AFE dry filter yesterday for that 0.0005% HP gain. Sounds a bit nicer. Old filter was dirty AF
  8. Arma

    FS: 2012 M135i

    That m performance exhaust looks terrible! I'll take it off your hands to get rid of it for you ??
  9. Apparently the pulley/tensioner is all fine, according to BM Workshop. The movement is minimal and expected they say ?‍♂️ Bonnie #1 still needs that coolant hose replaced under the intake manifold. I have to decide when I want to do it, and who I want to pay the huge labour cost of doing it haha. The battery is also flat atm, which I need to charge. Hoping to sort that out over the next couple of months.
  10. A couple of tasks done this week, for peace of mind! VRSF charge pipe installed. Replaced the stock plastic one Spark plugs all replaced with new ones (old ones were about 60% worn) Full oil service with Castrol Edge 5w30. Amount of oil drained was 5L - OEM capacity is 6.5L, so there was 1.5L missing. Could not find any leaks anywhere. Tyres were running way too soft (whoops) - there was a little cracking on the side wall on some of them. Aired them to ~36/40psi for now. Air filter needs replacing - figured I'll go with a higher flow filter (no im not getting a pod filter to suck hot air from the bay!!). I've ordered the AFE DRY s drop-in filter, which should arrive in a day or two. Not sure if it's going to affect performance at all (given that I have a mhd stage 1 tune), but at least it will be a new filter There is some small cracking on the diff bushing, but nothing major or to worry about at the moment
  11. Xhp flash all done. Bought and hooked up a 20amp charger to it. However the initial flash took only 5 mins! Much quicker than the expected 30mins. Ots flashes afterwards takes 30 seconds. Have not driven yet - just charged the battery up to full etc. Need to baby it around for 50 miles apparently for adaptations to set
  12. Been reading all the posts regarding the battery charger. Fun times. Anyway, I'm looking to invest in a slightly bigger charger (but probably not as flash as Glenn's one ). Mainly because I'm looking to do my xHP flash pretty soon as well. Unless someone has a charger (at least 20-25A that they can lend to me for a day / few hours) I managed to do the big MHD flash (~40 mins) with my CTEK 5 amp charger without any issue, but from what I hear the xHP flash draws a lot more current than the MHD flash. So to err on the safe side I'll probably look towards a 20-30A charger for my piece of mind. If anyone has any brand or model recommendations (e.g. CTEK), what are your favorites?
  13. VRSF charge pipe arrived today. Will try get it installed over the next week. Also ordered new spark plugs and planning to do an oil change in the next couple of weeks (although last service was ~4500kms ago apparently)
  14. MHD Stage 1 ots 98RON map done. New VSRF charge pipe on the way, just in case... you know. Considering FMIC/VSRF downpipe now. Mod bug alert. Have made a post about with some questions:
  15. Howdy. Im sure there must be a post about this somewhere here but I can't find it. I've got a VRSF chargepipe on the way for my N55 M135i. The car currently has a MHD Stage 1 ots tune (98RON) so figured I should replace the stock charge pipe, which might blow. The stock charge pipe is brand new anyway, since the last one blew before the stage 1 map was even done. Im doing things step by step - next step would be FMIC or downpipe. Ive got a good deal on a VRSF catless downpipe atm and was wondering if this can be installed safely while keeping the current stage 1 tune and not throwing CEL's all the time. I'm going to replace the charge pipe myself but not the downpipe - i'm guessing any shop (such as Euro Surgeon) would be able to install it? Keen to hear thoughts/ideas
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