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Everything posted by Driftit

  1. Driftit

    Quick rant thread.

    I am incredibly aware of this unfortunately.
  2. I know that opinion ruffles a few old man feelings here . This car looks dated compared to other facelift E39's I've seen lately. Saw a red 530i Msport the other day (not seen one in years) and it looked great. Still modernish. Edit: Ah I know what it is. The black trim. On the green it makes it look like a base model. On the Red it contrasts so much it somehow looks good. Maybe a color match would solve this.
  3. TBH my initial comment was based on three things I don't like. Old Man Green BMW's Old Man tan interiors Simmons wheels Sounds like a lot of work has been done though. Most of us would prefer to spend that money on OEM+ restoration like Sreten these days.
  4. Has to be a place holder price.
  5. Annoying when you want to sell two in the next few months.
  6. I just couldn't believe how much of a celebrity/race car driver specticle it was. I had no idea George Harrison raced in one. And Sir Jackie Stuart is giving him stick in the clip.
  7. Similar query from a few weeks back. See my comment about Takapuna Panel and Paint.
  8. Same reason I have 3 130s. 😅
  9. 05 manual for the first. 07 auto is missing a pin like yours.
  10. Here you go. 5 pin hole plug. 5 pin MAF.
  11. Will try again tonight. Weather was terrible down here last night.
  12. Cheers. Glad I checked. Nearly purchased all the service stuff for the GM box.
  13. Did any Jap 130's come with GA6HP19Z gearboxes? For some reason I thought they all came with the dreaded GA6L45R boxes. RealOEM states my Pre-LCI only had the GA6HP19Z.
  14. Yeah Protool from Bimmergeeks is good. https://www.bimmergeeks.net/ I will have a look at one of the plugs tonight for you. Could pick one up second hand from BMWorld or HellBm. They will have plenty. Genuine to cheap via spareto.com https://spareto.com/products?utf8=✓&keywords=13627551638
  15. It is likely the MAF is working then. Have you had a look to see if it is clean? This vid shows a similar setup to what you have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2YWaFd1qyM As for resetting the shorts, you would need a good diagnostic tool. Do you know why the lights were replaced? Seems odd unless they were damaged.
  16. I've not heard of a MAF going bad on one of these cars. Does yours it make a difference with it unplugged? or does the idle not change? Not sure at all about the tail lights sorry. Were they replaced with genuine lights? Have you reset the short circuit counts to see if they come back on? There is a limit for the number of shorts that can occur. Once reached even if the issue is resolved you need to reset that count before they will be supplied power.
  17. There are kits on Trademe. $$$$$. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/car-parts-accessories/bmw/gear-boxes/listing/5206865568 Nearly as much as an entire car.
  18. I just spent hours trying to remove makeup which was on nearly every surface of a 130 I purchased. I had this on hand. https://www.supercheapauto.co.nz/p/meguiars-meguiars-quik-interior-detailer-473ml/119531.html It did a good job but did require a bit of rubbing with a microfiber.
  19. That is actually what the wife said when I asked what color next jokingly. I nearly purchased a white 120i this morning too. But I am going to help the guy out instead. Replaced his Valvetronic and is unable to reset the adaptations.
  20. I actually wonder if the blue one was a Bimmersport members car once. Ton of work by Botany BM Workshop. Still has a BM Workshop plate surround. Since then it was driven by a young girl. Spent hours yesterday getting the makeup off everything.
  21. Starters pretty easy to take out. Just unbolt the manifold and move it out of the way. Picked up a cheap 06 Auto today. Needs paint but otherwise has an extensive service history including it's Japanese history.
  22. The Varta is 77AH. So would be fine. Not sure what the Endurant is.
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