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About OP6

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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  • Name
    Don B
  • Location
  • Car
    2005 E46 M3 ZCP manual
  • Car 2
    1989 E30 M3
  • Car 3
    Several E30's

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  1. OP6

    E46 M3

    Mine was converted from mph to km/h on arrival in NZ from the UK by BMW NZ.
  2. Hi John, Happy to pickup and hold for you. Away tomorrow but free for the rest of the week for most of the time. Cheers Don
  3. OP6

    E30 side skirts

    And to change a wheel on the roadside after a puncture?
  4. As the perceived value of the E30 M3 has increased so much recently, I have decided that replacing my standard pattern gearbox with a dogleg and matching diff is a viable option. Can anyone help with tracking both down? Cheers Don
  5. It was very tidy from 30 metres away, the aluminium sides were highly polished. I meant to go and have a closer look, but got waylaid. They were quite the coach in their day.
  6. Took a few shots of the M3 whilst at Ruapuna today. The Landrover is ours too. Threw in a few other random photos from what was a great day. I have only ever been to the Skope Classic but I find it fantastic that you can wander all over the pits and talk to the owners, look over their cars, ask questions etc. Amazing. Thrown in a few other random photos from what was a great day.
  7. I'll post up a couple of pictures over the weekend of the boxy Bavarian.
  8. 2003 Renault Clio, first registered in 2005, so showing as a 2005 model (there is another thread on this anomaly in NZ.) Now done 182,000kms and used as the work horse car. Rear hatch has a large opening so can fit surprisingly large items in there. My only car with a towbar and has done sterling service in that respect. on numerous occasions pulled more than its own weight. Excellent to drive, with one of the nicest gearboxes with a quick, precise change and fantastic ratios, 2nd tops out just over 100km/h. Electric power steering that actually does a good job, much better than the Z4 we had until recently Rev limiter at 7250rpm and yet quite torquey, with definite steps in power as the dephaser ( vtec ) does its job. Love the handling, stays very flat but still with a pretty reasonable ride, very poor turning circle though. Reliability, well, in 35,000kms so far it has not put a wheel wrong.
  9. If you can find one - Renault Clio RS. 2 litre NA, 172bhp Bought one for $4500 3 years ago, it is brilliant.
  10. Tried CHC BMW, they can order them in but not avail ex Germany till the New Year. Have some ordered with Pelican Parts at USD13+ each and they suggest they will be shipping at the end of the month, once the stock has arrived into their store, however I suspect (and hopefully I am wrong) they are expecting to be able to source from BMW Germany. Pelican Parts also have 4.05mm shims in stock from Volvo which I suspect are the same as the BMW ones, so have ordered some of those too. One way or another I will find some.
  11. Hey Jon, many thanks for having a look, greatly appreciated.
  12. The dealership wanted me to buy the whole kit at a price that was eye watering! and on back order. I have found a mob in the USA that may have what I am after,( www.ipdusa.com/products/11641/100161-valve-shim-4-05mm), but their communication is woeful. I could try swapping some with the dealership, I had not thought of that. Happy to pay for immediate availability though. Cheers
  13. I need 3, 4.05mm E30 M3 valve shims to complete the valve adjustment after getting the cams reground by Kelford Kams. I would also be interested in certain other sizes too, to replace what I have used.
  14. OP6

    650i Roadtrip

    Certainly looks like a very nice calm day!. Thankyou for sharing some of your road trip photos. You went down the West Coast, through the Haast? How about some comments on the roads, the traffic, the way your car handled such a trip etc. Cheers
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