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Everything posted by Carl

  1. Earlier 323's had the medium cases as well. I destroyed a medium case whilst simply engine braking but there was history with that case - it got inverted in the targa ;-)
  2. Subjective as they are be glad you live in a country that has warrants I stopped going to the VTNZ (thorndon) as they were nazi's on my e30 for the stupidest things and go to a mechanic just around the corner - more so I can leave my car there for the day and not have to queue up. The first time I was there the found small problems and after talking to me were happy to wof it as I fixed them in the following weeks.
  3. Reading all this made me go back and actually have a play with Shift. Bought it last year but didn't like the feel of it. I have a driving force wheel and pedals. After turning up the settings and the race line off I had a little play of it and it definitely felt a whole lot better. Are we able to set up a multiplayer nordschleife, through steam, or should I buy shift 2 and ask again? I can set up a teamspeak channel for it but not a game server
  4. See now I just don't speed, seems to work, and is the cheapest option
  5. Pretty toys but not for everyone. I find that unless you have a reasonably good platform to place them on they're very fiddly. I can email quicker from my droid as it has a flip out qwerty and is easier to hold. Nice to watch movies on but you have to hold it or prop it up somehow. Can't say much for the 2 as I haven't seen it or played with one yet but based on the 1st i'd pass thanks. As said before, not for everyone but some people will find a genuinely good use for them, they're a niche product and it's funny watching people go nuts for them then find ways to justify it. My work colleague has the 1st one and, well, doesn't use it at work
  6. Carl

    Petro Octane

    The best thing you can do is get your ECU mapped with the fuel you want to run sitting in the tank. It's what I did
  7. The fact that you quite clearly stated in your first post (OP) that you can jump start the car i'm surprised about some of the responses. Whilst it's obviously a problem related to the battery your first port of call should've been to read through the stickied posts in the maintenance forum, specifically: http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=27120 I would say it's possible that your battery is faulty although sticking in a brand new battery and it not working is a little suspect. You could take it back to where you got it from and get them to test it but I would highly recommend you go to mitre10 mega, or equivalent, and buy a battery charger.
  8. Take a break yesterday eh?
  9. Just adding a comment: If you see a post like the one that's calling police "pigs" you should report the post so I we can evaluate and pull out our long sticks
  10. Carl

    Japan shake up.

    Keep it serious please otherwise i'll pull out the ban stick. I have a few friends affected by this all over Japan but still haven't heard from one. First it's family in Chch now "family" in Japan. Was delighted to see they plucked a survivor from debris 15km off shore.
  11. Not a very focused driver if an arse distracts him
  12. OMG I couldn't stop crying
  13. Just clearing out CDs as i'm shifting into my new house soon, I have a 5 cd set of the electronic parts catalogue, troubleshooting manual, technical info manual, and kinematic something or rather, that I don't need no more. Can't remember the cars it covers but used it for E30s These are copies of the original so not selling but if you'll give me $10 for the postage it's yours otherwise if you know me you can come pick it up for free. Reply here please or ring if you know me
  14. Any road will do, preferably without cyclists and trucks or stock Opotiki to Gisborne via SH35 if you want a nice scenic road trip
  15. Good time to reminisce the 2004 megameet eh?
  16. Andoroid is actually very easy to use and doesn't require half a brain to work it out. If you're a slouch in the top department fair enough. The stupid thing about iphones is there's no variance, there's just so much more going on in the android space, a lot more choice. I've played with an iphone4, the SGS, a nexus, and a desire HD and got a feel for what I actually wanted and what I really wanted after playing with them all is solid feeling phone with a slide out qwerty k/b that fits nicely in my hand I ended up buying a HTC desire Z as it ticked all my boxes. Within 30 mins of turning it on I had it synced up to my work's exchange, hooked into my vodafone email & gmail, logged into skype, and synced with facebook (love the profile images and status udpates). Smartphones are awesome, currently loving using my wifi to skype friends in UK/Germany using my phone like a phone.
  17. Just been in europe, mainly Germany, for Christmas...got our white Christmas wish
  18. not sure which is funnier, the crazy hooker or the fallen school girl with the friends laughing at her
  19. Actually, I don't want to stir up an argument, it's just me copy pasting from a blog post somewhere else (actually across 4 forum/sites) because it's just been a crazy as week. It's not an US vs THEM thing. I am a car enthusiast first and foremostWhen I don my cyclist helmet it's just unbelievable the sh*t that I see. I would like to think that I am a better driver having the perspective of a cyclist. Driving now I am more aware of how stupid and inattentive other drivers are, maybe it's just age. ^ you posted in between my reading and posting: I hear so often of cyclists being verbally abused for nothing and usually whilst obeying the road rules and more. It's just amazing the mentality some people have. I am in the camp that the Dangerous Driving Causing Death really needs to be changed to a manslaughter charge and I don't mean in the case of cyclists but ALL road accidents. IF you are speeding and overtaking on double yellow lines on a blind corner and kill someone then IMO that's manslaughter and you should go to jail.
  20. I attended the funeral for my cousin last week that was one of the cyclists killed in that horrible weekend and week on the roads for cyclists. That was really hard for me.You see I am a commuter cyclist myself. I cycle to work everyday on my mountain bike from Petone into Wellington CBD and back. It's a 25km round trip. I'm not a cycling enthusiast, i'm just getting to work and back, I am more of a car enthusiast but it seems as though once you start cycling you get lumped in that cyclist group. After the horror week that was, this week seems to me to have been the worst I have ever experienced, it's just been really crazy on the roads. I have seen the aftermath of 3 cyclists knocked down this week; 1 just after it happened, 1 just as the ambulance arrived, and today another just out of Petone where the ambulance was already there and a cop was talking to another cyclist. What gets me is how drivers seem to think cyclists don't exist or think that because we're not cars we don't have right of way or belong on the road. There was a blog on stuff this week that really infuriated me about the mentality some people have (http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/blogs/drivetalk/4359968/A-metre-could-have-saved-her-life). Either this blogger is a complete idiot or is actually a very good troll. People have this idea that cyclists hold up traffic, that they disrupt the flow. Never have I seen this in my commute. Yes the sport cyclists riding in their groups can be large and on narrow roads they could be disruptive, but i'm talking about urban areas where all these accidents seem to occur, and I certainly don't cycle where I hold up traffic I'm as far left as f**king possible!!! It seems to me people get so impatient that when they see a 'gap' with a cyclist in it they take it, like the cyclist should stop for them, like the cyclist doesn't have right of way. I can be looking directly into the eyes of someone and see them see me as they make that wrong decision. What is 2 seconds for them could be eternity for me or for another cyclist? I am very attentive but there's a lot of others that may not be, especially if struggling into a head wind that is quite common. Just this week i've had to deal with: - a van run red light just as my crossing sign turned green - vehicles pulling out from/into drives/intersections/parks directly into my path - were I to swerve instead of brake I could get taken out from behind by a passing motorist (think tamaki drive) - vehicles cutting left right in front of me, particularly into drives where they go slow entering stop and block what little room I have - A BUS did a u-turn from the other side of the road right in front of me and totally blocked me and the cyclists behind me - like we don't have rights??? One particularly hairy part of my daily commute is just before I get home I have to negotiate the Petone off ramp and round-a-bout. It infuriates me the amount of people that swerve just in front of me to get around the corner when they could wait just a few seconds as i'm not going slow, I have an odometer and I generally travel at 30kph which in 50kph areas is not slow. It's these drivers that cannot judge speeds, that are too impatient to wait 2 seconds, that misjudge just how fast we are actually traveling, that are making the bad decisions, that chose to speed up and cut in front and take a stupid risk. WTF, what is wrong with these people, cyclists are dying because people have no patience that for 2 seconds you'd risk a life? Alter the road advertisements where 'death' spins the wheel to include these scenes with a cyclist in the mix because that wheel of life will have a lot more black segments on it marked death.
  21. Those cracks are an indication that the dash is not in great condition, you'd be better off getting them repaired then selling as crack free as a crack free dash will easily sell for $100.
  22. Carl

    Who's is this?

    Not going to buy another one are you Ian???
  23. Â No or broken CAS will cut out engine, starter will crank but won't spark or fuel. I'd be borrowing a good ecu and trying that first were i you as that's a simple test then go from thereÂ
  24. Pays to look through the stickied threads for these very common problems, here's an E30 article but gives a start: http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=27120
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