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E30 325i Rag-Top

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Everything posted by E30 325i Rag-Top

  1. Or as Josh would say.... BOOOOOOSSTT!!!
  2. Try a 335d as an alternative to the 335i, great trade off between performance and economy.
  3. One other thought, who is going to load the container? All these bits turning up will need to be palletised and strapped down or your mates caravan will be mush when it arrives.
  4. ^^yeah that type of thing. My first ever lap there (old circuit) on the back straight I had two V8s try to pass me going into the braking zone, one inside one outside. Only one of us made it round the hairpin, the others went into the sand in big circles.
  5. Open Days at Puke can be very interesting, mainly due to the other drivers that turn up (granted it has been a while).
  6. Might get a bit suspicious when the list of household contents reads.. 1) Kitchen Table x 1 2) Dining Chairs x 4 3) Car parts (various) x 1000 But it might be worth a try... as long as we don't advertise it all over the internets.
  7. I used to watch quite a bit of bike racing, as there used to be lots of over-taking and close racing, Barry Sheene flicking the v's behind him, etc. Now MotoGP is gettting too much like F1, only one or two teams are remotely competitive and it turns into a procession very quickly. Only excitement is when someone falls off.. The smaller bikes, MotoGP2 and 3 or whatever they are called now, are more exciting as the bikes and riders are much more even and you end up with 5 or 6 bikes coming round the last corner together. Shame they don't do enduros on bikes though. Bathurst was like tantric sex, hours of build up leading to an awesome climax.
  8. Could be. Jamez is sorting out some set up issues with the new server, might cure this as well.
  9. Any more details? Could be very interested. Where is container leaving UK from (can be a pain gettting diffs, etc shipped even within UK), where is it getting de-vanned in NZ? How are the costs of freight and customs etc. going to be divided up?
  10. Ah, Ok, makes sense. If you are paying someone to do it then yes, can be cheaper to swap in another rack. Just make sure the one you are getting has no leaks, double-check with the seller.
  11. Pretty sure it will fit in place and all bolt up correctly, the only difference might be the number of turns from lock-to-lock for the rack. Would still get you a warrant though. Is it not easier / cheaper to stop the existing rack from leaking?
  12. Moved into more appropriate forum for you. And a free bump back to the top as well.
  13. I've got the first performance / go-faster parts from the US of A to go into the engine now. Can't say too much as it's all Top Secret and I know other 2.0ltr competitors come on Bimmersport sometimes, so just a sneak peak... At LEAST a second a lap right there!
  14. And expensive, don't forget that bit. It's all the silly little $5 and $10 bits that add up very quickly because you use so many of the little buggers to get it finished. Oh, and don't forget the dyno time to get it tuned properly.
  15. Yup, all cars are worth more in parts than whole. But, that is assuming you get to sell all (or at least nearly all) the parts, don't factor in any costs for taking it all apart and the Mrs doesn't mind having half a car on the drive for months.
  16. Needs to have a price please, as per the Forum rules.
  17. Price please, as per forum rules. That way you won't get stupid offers either.
  18. I think there is a E46 M3 CS in that colour kicking around, I think owner is on the forum. Certainly a nice colour, but not sure it's worth that much of a premium over an Msport 330Ci
  19. I think there is a E46 M3 CS in that colour kicking around, I think owner is on the forum. Certainly a nice colour, but not sure it's worth that much of a premium over an Msport 330Ci
  20. Do you really want to go down that road? I would guess maybe 100,000 houses are then released into the NZ market.. But what about all the other countries in the world that have let Kiwis buy property, they apply same rules, now 4m NZ citizens need houses (based on 8m+ Kiwi Passport holders, less than 4m living in NZ) even if only 10% have to return that's 400,000 people, or 100,000 homes for families of four.
  21. Do you really want to go down that road? I would guess maybe 100,000 houses are then released into the NZ market.. But what about all the other countries in the world that have let Kiwis buy property, they apply same rules, now 4m NZ citizens need houses (based on 8m+ Kiwi Passport holders, less than 4m living in NZ) even if only 10% have to return that's 400,000 people, or 100,000 homes for families of four.
  22. There was a 3.64 out of a 325i just failed to sell on TradeMe, the guy has offered it for $240, says there are no whines.
  23. Coming back next season, as part of the Penske Racing that will be joining forces with one of the existing team (DJR I think...) Penske are a big outfit in US racing, will be interesting to see how they go in Aussie.
  24. Converting it to what? The larger 7 Series (E32??) one? how simple / how much does that work out?
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