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Everything posted by BM WORLD

  1. yes i think i have a service manual also a mate of mine has a couple of m73 in his shed call for details 021433600
  2. yea and slow my mate has a 525ix touring , 5spd , had a m52b28 swapped in a few years ago m goes better now , yea all front end stuff is rare , he has a bunch of spares i sold him from a wreck i had years ago just encase
  3. ok , probably going to have to go through all of them and take pics of the covers ,
  4. ok so only the old ones will have to check on those
  5. hi guys selling my magazine collection have heaps going back to the 90's etc total bmw performance bmw bmw car etc thinking about $5 each for the early year stuff but i think to keep it simple make min purchase $50 to make it worth my while etc sell in yearly lots etc , plenty of articles and pretty much every model and year incl alpina , hartge , ac schnitzer speicals etc can sell in yearly groups etc bulk discounts etc have a list someone ,might post up later 021433600 [email protected] pics below is just sample of what I have
  6. depends on build date , axles and arms are different on early e28 to later ones, and his is 83 so could have either
  7. 4cyl engines sit 25mm further forward , just buy some e46 323i shifter bits
  8. does the brake master cylinder bottle have the nipple for a clutch feed line to attach to ? just use that

    Hail damage cars

    engineer reports on all repairs , some may need new roof skins , watch for broken glass(sunroof , rear screen etc) as might have had water in then classed as water damage etc
  10. no i mean buy this seat and swap the squabs over to your driver seat frame
  11. swap covers and foam from left to right seat
  12. apparantly about 180kmh and airbourne into the bridge rails , they are still smashed today with steel plates bolted to them
  13. https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/rodney-times/99884467/car-crashes-into-house-after-overnight-police-chase-in-north-auckland
  14. almost as good as this one i got a while back
  15. https://www.google.com/search?q=style+32+e36&safe=off&rlz=1C1GIWA_enNZ599NZ599&sxsrf=ACYBGNSID3Onu_Rp4e-2xQ7BoRuxfrDkDg:1579561245156&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4o6yXpJPnAhXq7HMBHamdCMsQ_AUoAXoECA0QAw&biw=1604&bih=786&dpr=1.13
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