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Everything posted by BM WORLD

  1. no i mean buy this seat and swap the squabs over to your driver seat frame
  2. swap covers and foam from left to right seat
  3. apparantly about 180kmh and airbourne into the bridge rails , they are still smashed today with steel plates bolted to them
  4. https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/rodney-times/99884467/car-crashes-into-house-after-overnight-police-chase-in-north-auckland
  5. almost as good as this one i got a while back
  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=style+32+e36&safe=off&rlz=1C1GIWA_enNZ599NZ599&sxsrf=ACYBGNSID3Onu_Rp4e-2xQ7BoRuxfrDkDg:1579561245156&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4o6yXpJPnAhXq7HMBHamdCMsQ_AUoAXoECA0QAw&biw=1604&bih=786&dpr=1.13
  7. driveshaft specialists in east tamaki
  8. i have a single alloy for a e60 e61 etc , like new , alloy only , 18" i think from memory 021433600
  9. thanks $3k manual 6spd kit $2k 3l engine $800 blk leather seats anything else you after ??
  10. old pic when we borrowed Cain's 540is , swapped cars for the weekend
  11. selling parts from this e82 135i parts from $5 upwards 021 433600 brent@bmworld.co.nz
  12. bump anyone after the 3l engine ? or 6spd kit , can fit e90 330i e92 335i e82 135i etc
  13. a mate of mine has 2 of these sitting around waiting for some resto work and nz compliance etc .
  14. 2005 E63 645ci v8 N62b44 engine' 6 speed zf auto tan leather parts from $5 upwards 021433600 brent@bmworld.co.nz
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