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Everything posted by BM WORLD

  1. just bumping a few parts , left engine , box lsd wheels , some panels
  2. just bumping a few parts , left engine , seats , etc
  3. just bumping a few parts , left wheels , engine , seats , body kit bits
  4. just bumping engine and wheels gone , other parts still available
  5. yes early cars and hi-line models where different , seats are different too.
  6. new parts car just in at BM WORLD F20 5 door hatch N13 1.6L turbo engine 8 speed zf auto msport package I drive blutooth nz maps nz new car 22k's 021433600 [email protected]
  7. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-1180265576.htm
  8. 330d same brakes as 330i , larger fatter axles same as 330i manuals , same diff size as a 330i with the side hubs to match the axles
  9. rocker shafts normally ok , valve guides , get you local head or engine recon guys to check them out
  10. http://bmwfans.info/parts-catalog/E34-Sedan/Europe/525i-M50/L-M/browse/pedals/pedals_stop_light_switch/
  11. have a mate who had a LHD m5 parts car shell < I wonder if he still has the pedal box ?? or some mates that ordered in some manual kits from usa , ?? need to check on that one otherwise just buy new pedals from bmw not that expensive I thought
  12. hi yes common issue is the frame that holds the handle breaks . 2 types of lock units r1 and r2 also the reason they probably break is due the plastic bush on the lever crumbles away after years so then you need to lift the handle higher to open the door which results in the frame being stressed and then breaks. may have a replacement
  13. test cars etc some with little miles some with heaps etc
  14. either buy the zf shifter rods or cut and weld them to suit I think most levers will work , but some wont work due to the angles etc , best to just buy one that suits a ZF box
  15. 320i coupe paddock basher from a few years back loads of fun even as a auto . also had various overs like 316ti 5spd 318is 5spd etc etc but the stripped down coupe went quite well
  16. many options depending on what model they are for ?? http://www.bmwstylewheels.com/bmw/32
  17. nice score -Vanos jammed , possibly just the vanos solenoid easy swap (or just free up and lube etc) -CPS , crank or cam sensor , , insulation stuffed under the boot on the plug end -Bank 1 and 2 fuel trim limits , air leaks in take boot etc
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