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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. my 316i doesnt need these. my 316i doesnt need these. my 316i doesnt need these. my 316i doesnt need these.
  2. policing that would cost more than ACC would get
  3. I moved to Alicetown now so a bit further than before! ill move this off topic to the correct thread
  4. yeah just never twigged. oh christ, sounds like there is a higher chance of damage getting there and back than while there! really looking forward to that. sounding ever more like its going to be an assult on the poor m40b16 but so be it! it doesnt like 100km/h, especially all the way to the wairarapa
  5. so they do! I learnt it from rotating both hands from the position you are describing outwards 45 degrees and the right hand makes a tick sign (right as in correct!)
  6. especially liked the snow rallying complete with four wheels in the air mode hahaha
  7. if you want BMW partsbin ones you need E28 M30 engined ones. M5 works because the S38 is, for this purpose, the same as M30
  8. No one gives way to anyone, as niether car crosses each others path (in theory). same as now
  9. christ, you dont want to know my score lol. i think i better up my insurance. its a lot different between the birds-eye pictures and real life! that test is a lot more usefull though. i should do that a few more times i think. having never driven overseas which as i understand these rules already apply, its going to be hard to adapt!
  10. _ethrty-Andy_

    e30 project

    E30 316i are where its at yo slow as, but mine is by far the most economical car ive had yet
  11. QQ, are E34 and E30 outer headlights (smileys) the same part? obviously bracket is different, but the one on my e30 flops about like a cock in a sock, would probably fail its warrent when it goes for it. I only have E34 spares in the shed, dont want to pull it apart to find out they are different if they are! cheers
  12. slightly OT but does he do other marques too? need a key for a late Mondeo, Ford wants $400 ish for one!
  13. Why would you spend from $40k on an X5 when you can have one of these???????? Its a no brainer then
  14. i think it drops skids
  15. You knew id play! Worksafe-ish Because its an unashamed piss-take of 'gangster' videos
  16. yeah your probably right, might be a bit more than $500. though, ideally with the M52 you do too. if you dont source the correct gearbox, then youd still have to shave and balance the M20 flywheel or import a new one to make it all work
  17. agreed. an M60 would be minimal extra work. you would still have to rewire. youd still have to buy new mounts etc. the only cost saving would be the eninge itself, but an extra $500 or so for an extra 80odd HP sounds worth it in my book
  18. my advise would be to get an M50B25 from a wrecker thats also trashed, and swap the engine mounts but more importantly the loom onto your M52 engine. and then go from there. using the M52 loom has all sorts of issues. as far as wiring goes between attaching the M50 to the body loom, should be pretty straight forward as that engine came in that chassis so will be wiring diagrams on the net
  19. Supposedly the prefacelifts for one, but primarily the M10s are far harder to do it on than facelifts. Wiring is similar but different enough to be annoying. +1 to what most other people said, especially the importance of having a good shell with all the interior/light/other unrelated-to-engine curcuits in good condition. i learnt oth of those the hard way and is why mine got parted out in the end
  20. thats going to apply to any second hand laptop!
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