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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. cheaper with another series of ?s or spending a bit more and knowing your good.. with Hans mileage, i see why he picked number 2!
  2. There is a guy that works at/owns Rex Industries in the hutt with one thats genuine, i dont think this one is genuine though..
  3. So who paid the $3500 for the new intake?
  4. The dealer is cheaper than online for a lot of things. generally wear/consumable parts are steep sure, but things like panels, mounts, clips etc are cheap as chips, they need to shift them as much as any other company. They have been sitting on a shelf for 25 years....
  5. Nah, its from the bay though. Yep it was, bit of both, would feel guilty modding it if it was a minty one already, but since its "well used" i can go to town on it a bit and have a clear concience!
  6. This is the best you are gunna get for now, just to proove i got one. It has personalised plate 20O2TI
  7. Picked up a '72 2002ti last weekend, white early body with the circle taillights, yum. Unfortunately the car in reality is anything but yum, but hey always up for a challenge! Apart from the quick wank over it that night, today was first chance i have had to have a look over it. 3 out of 4 wheels had seized brakes which made it very difficult to pick up, and then put into my garage once home So tonight i did a front calliper and rear drum delete so that it moves and i can push it around as needed etc. Next thing to turn my attention to is the engine, and bring it back into service after sitting for about 7 years. its gunna be slow progress.... haha
  8. _ethrty-Andy_


    gunna be pretty cool alright! and I'm sure you will do it a lot better than most of the 13b e30s out there
  9. _ethrty-Andy_


    are ya needing a nice ratio one to get your torque numbers up
  10. Only 2x rules i really have here is the shed and driveway are mine and off limits, and music, movies and sex need to be kept at appropriate volume, none wants to hear you bass drops or rhythmic grunting
  11. Maybe its a sign of the age of these cars, they are unlikely to be daily drivers, people are used to all the safety gizmos you have on a new car to keep you on the road, these just have 4 tyres and a bag of bones behind the wheel Just a thought.
  12. that presentation in the show room is very good, looks like my shed in about 10 years, just the machinery about 30 years older
  13. If im roof down in my cabby between March and Mid January (not the other way lol) Heater on full noise at the feet, full noise at the face. Done.
  14. another way to understand it, think of the engine the gearbox was attached to when the gearbox was new M20 gearbox : custom mount, has its own bellhousing pattern M10/M30 gearbox : custom, share a pattern ^^ Both of these mostly line up with the following, but only use about 7 of the 12 or 14 bolts. They all have same degree of tilt which is different to M50, so gearbox and engine do not align correctly. M4x/M5x : Share a bellhousing and tilt. use standard E30 cross member as the gearbox and engine are aligned again
  15. cant help with the fly wheel but the cross memeber is available from BMW brand new about $20 or so, i had to get one for my manual swap in the cabby, incidentally, most of the manual conversion parts are still available, also the stuff you dont usually get like clutch switch, pedal stop, pads, etc
  16. I will contact both Parties and see if we can come to an arrangement. Rob and Tyler, knowing you both, you are both good guys, just a disagreement about whats expected with an as is where is sale. A dealership is always going to pick more holes than an independant garage, so thats going to be half the problem. Thread Closed, will contact both of you later on in the week (at work currently)
  17. LS1 go well in a commodore, can imagine one in an e30! might not corner so flash tho lol. remember to budget for suspension and brakes
  18. Agree with ya a wee bit Steve, i would rather (and do) drive on second hand premium tyres than buying new ling longs. i just dont do the mileage to justify a set of brand new pirellis each time, they would be 10 years old before i got half way through them but difference between 2 years old and 15 years old!
  19. probably to get the purchase price under xxx$ to avoid tax in the UK??
  20. Is it time we as a community did something about it? I really wouldnt know where to start, but happy to help where I can...
  21. yeah you could be right there. I use cloud based stuff on month to month type rental, so higher threshold before i would start to consider bringing stuff "in house".
  22. yup of course there will always be the people that vote on each camp, the facts are, for the home user, or small business, Apple has got to be the way. for medium to large business needing server back bone, Windows is your only option. For the record, i dont particularly like iOS, the new Music app in the latest update is a total and utter ballsup. but i see it as the lesser of two evils.
  23. i think its in the engine bay, based on the brake lines also in view. i dont know the answer from the lounge and got my pup fast sleep on me lol, can go out to the shed if you need to know urgently tho
  24. OS-X Cost is the biggest prohibitor. One of my clients, which many of you guys including myself is a customer of, is still using a system based on Win95. Why upgade or "reinvent the wheel" so to speak when it works perfectly as it is
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