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Everything posted by Olaf

  1. that's pretty darned special.
  2. Olaf

    Metric tyres

    http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/wheels-tyres/alloy-wheels/auction-1302378438.htm 4 style 46 16" for $200 in Auckland with tyres. Sure, the tyres aren't awesome... but then if you get lucky with selling off your Metrics like this guy... http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/wheels-tyres/alloy-wheels/auction-1302614732.htm you'll be jelly.
  3. thanks for that, I'd not gotten much further. sort of put the project on hold, bought an e60 as main car, the e46 is becoming the family run around. later in the year I'll get back to it and revive the hifi project. I think a sub-floor sub would be essential, can't see Mrs Olaf wanting to compromise grocery space for a sub box!
  4. Wow! You'll be needing to share your secrets!
  5. Hi Richard, welcome along! nice looking e46 you've got there. I've seen a bit of Texas, but never made it out so far west. I used to cross the border at Laredo/Nuevo Laredo. Which rims are you running? You'll certainly find plenty of e46 action around this parish, a number of us running tourings. cheers Olaf PS - looks like Texas plates have changed a bit since I used to visit regularly in the mid-90's.
  6. pulled out the left hand side repeater... cleaned the contacts, indicator sorted. To celebrate, took it to VTNZ for a WoF. Passed first time with flying colours. Not that there was any doubt! ANZAC day arvo, interior detail, photos, then she's ready to sell.
  7. Olaf

    Metric tyres

    stinking rich? what do you think a set of old rims with passable tyres goes for?! 17's are more popular; you should find 16's pretty inexpensive as they're less sight-after by upgraders. You could well find such a set with warrantable tyres cost you less than one new metric tyre. Who's being economical now?
  8. Olaf

    Metric tyres

    there's a bloke in Wellington just listed his e34 535i on the Facebook group BMW NZ Parts/Classifieds/Discussions - it's been crashed and has been sitting outside 'for some time'. Has a decent looking set of basketweaves on it, might be just the thing for you if the price is sharp.
  9. there I was thinking you'd been peddaling a Soarer, not a Celica. I learn summat everdays.
  10. Karori, down the side of the mall. Superb selection of quality comestibles. Dried pasta that surpasses the fresh stuff from the supermarkets.
  11. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-1289010122.htm the vendor's gone mad with the tilt-shift editing... appears honest. 2006, 195kms, ex japan, silver with dakota leather, sunroof asking $6k9, be a $6k car.
  12. Happy birthday for yesterday, Jon. And happy birthday for today, Paul. Me today, life is great. Painting son's bedroom. Family outing running errands. Our offspring squabbling in the back of the car. By chance visited a great Deli. Since returning home, along with my wife I've been enjoying some really fine French unpasteurised cheeses, with the best baguettes in town, and a bottle of Pegasus Bay Bel Canto (2011). yep, life is choice, bro.
  13. Olaf

    MissBM V.2

    an affinity for product from that sociopathic company that brought you excessive levels of oxides of nitrogen, and other emissions maladies... may predispose one to the understeering option!
  14. yeah you'll likely meet more forum members here - on the forum - than dragging them away from this community to a smaller FB page. We've been working things up around here... just come along to the meetups.
  15. Olaf

    F/L E30 318i coupe

    that's really, really, sharp. great engineering. and the details. 340i - uber-cool. You'll be needing a place to keep that, down here. Looking forward to photographing this one in the flesh! Well done, Jeremy.
  16. excellent write up, Graham. that's an awesome looking shed you have now!
  17. Olaf

    e39 525i

    if you've still got it next week, I'll come and take a look. I'm thinking the 'spare BMW' thing is probably a good thing. this fits the bill. I'll be up in Auckualofa.
  18. welcome, Matt! an e39 Touring for a bag a sand? brilliant. what a bargain. used to be one round the corner from me with a cool paekakariki decal on the back window, that I always admired. subscribe (follow) to the Wellington meetings room, the guys in Kapiti are organising a cars and coffee meetup (regularly?), and we get a coffee meet or road trip organised from time to time. Don't be shy, anyone can organise something! Look forward to catching you soon.
  19. wondered if it was yours that Jon posted on FB last week. Good news.
  20. I reckon I know what you'll be working on this long weekend, then! Something blue and shiny?
  21. Just the thing for a damp-ish Wellington morning...
  22. Looks nice mate! It may not be as bad as you think; could be as benign as a coil. V8 and four wheel drive - cool!
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