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Everything posted by Olaf

  1. do the e90 tophats work to bring down the front of the e30?
  2. Olaf

    Style 15 7.5x16

    as Kenny Everett used to say.... "top tip. If you want bathroom scales, why not scrape a fish into your sink". So you secured them, Graham?
  3. great work! and patience. 18mm? Already there mate, after years of working on my Volvo, I make sure any spanner or socket set has 16 and 18mm, plugging the gaps between 15 & 17 & 19mm.
  4. ha hah, "Noofies". Manitobans have an inferiority complex about being from Manifrozba, but Noofies are at the absolute bottom of the pecking order in Caaanada, eh.
  5. I gave mine a good wash and chamois this morning. the first wash after your last wax always comes up nice.
  6. Olaf


    oh man, these are the perfect e46 rim! What's next, Lewis?
  7. how do you figure that? is the 2.5l N52 immune to the vaguaries of the 3.0 N52?
  8. take a look in the meetings section: meetings/wellington we've recently done a trip to the Shannon Car Show, a zip over the pahiatua track for lunch in woodville and home; coffee meets on the south coast; a trip to the Rush Collection in Feilding, with an excellent drive in the country arround the Manawatu, lunch in Feilding, a look at Manfield, and home. Next meet up 14 May. cheers
  9. I have a friend who was looking for a diesel, compromised and bought a 3.0i, and has largely regretted it. he wished he'd bought a v8. Finds it barely less thirsty than a V8 for urban.
  10. or of course our forum sponsors such as Botany Motor Works, Glenn spends a good deal of time contributing to this forum, along with our other sponsors. Hey Mr 525ixtTourer, you should come along to the welly meet ups! Welcome along to the forum. #8 ) Big shout out to Page European!
  11. I dunno if they're as 'cheap' as $20k. That was my extrapolated book value based on an assumed price, to be fair! #8 ) Hmmm, I think the vehicle of choice when our former PM denied ordering high-speed to the airport (and refused to acknowledge any sensation or awareness of the circa 170km/h speed of her convoy), was a Ford. So yes, these should have had a relatively easy life. The occasional speedy jaunt in a motorcade (I still remember seeing the Duchess of Cambridge whizzing past me on Oriental Parade one grey afternoon), mostly (in Wellington at least) cruising from the airport to the beehive, around the bays.
  12. you can be sure that the business cases for such items are very carefully considered, they know fully the kind of laymen 'scrutiny' they'll get, and if they could just make do with a $100 warehouse special, they would! The amount of scrutiny on business cases in Government is well beyond the norm in the private sector; there have been very public failures, and painful lessons learned. I think that "most" would, in fact, have faith that their public servants are spending the funds wisely, not 'gold plating' the toolsets, and are doing the right thing. You can be sure that any vendor of the cheaper alternatives would publicly cry foul if their solution was clearly better (met all of the criteria) than the selected solution in any competitive procurement.
  13. 190g/km, 7.3l/100, and the vehicle met all of the tender requirements better than the other respondents. IRD's standard depreciation is 30% per annum (diminishing value), I forget what the straight-line is. So assuming a purchase price of, oh, $120k? The book value is now $20,100 at end of march 2016, asuming (conveniently) that the asset was acquired 1 April 2011. So as with any other business, one asumes they follow the IRD rules, and of course in tendering - for government entities - the Government Rules of Sourcing. One hopes they negotiated an exceptional deal based on their buying power (a large fleet purchase), and the cachet for the Vendor. Perhaps I should get one, if they're going at $20k? If you distill the emotion, this is really a straightforward business transaction where NZ Government has selected the best tool for the job. The asset has gone through its lifecycle, and is now being disposed. No sense in sweating the asset further. Shame they can't get it right with helicopters. err, I'll get me coat then.
  14. saw some at the where?house at lyall bay, decided six bucks was just too much, so "I kept one hand in my pocket while the other one was picking up a hotwheels magnus walker outlaw 356". yeah deal with that Alanis! welcome to Bimmersport AJ
  15. Olaf

    e36 325i Coupe Project

    I estimate NZD$1700 incl, using the 'what's my duty' tool, and USD 200 as a shipping estimate (MyUS.com) included. You should get free shipping to FL from any half-decent supplier in the US when spending $1k. my $0.02 worth. EDIT: FCP Euro quote USD150 for freight on this kit, though the purchase price is higher. Still, you can get $75 off with their 'over $999' promo code... $1225 incl freight yep, you're at $1,900 incl.
  16. I think you can edit the title if you click on "use full editor". HTH
  17. sunroof drain? best post a couple of pictures!
  18. suggest you take it to a reputable BMW independent or BMW dealer for a full inspection. They'll be able to recommend what should be done for your vehicle. Your profile doesn't mention where you are, so difficult to recommend someone for you. You'll not find anything about owning a BMW particularly cheap, and in fact if your criteria is finding a cheap place, you'll probablly end up paying twice or more. Find a quality service provider. Getting a transfilter and fluid change is a good start! cheers
  19. Olaf

    E36 M3 Project

    You can expect plenty of roadside conversations with the constabulary about this wing. I think there's a difference between a bike rack - fastened to the bottled with clips - and extrusions bolted to the chassis. When a ped collides with the bike rack, it will cause bruising and contusions, but will ultimately disconnect from the car. Worst case scenario - a broken bone. Your wing will slice the same ped up. It's not for the road.
  20. nah guys, it goes north-south so you can pick it up and drop it into a carpark.
  21. so maybe in this new world of electrickery I guess Wide Open Throttle is no longer applicable. Wide Open Potentiometer (WOP)? #; )
  22. low milage? yeah, nah. if you're going to do an M3 kit, you need to do the rear window and sort that boot properly. Don't look very tidy to me. Gotta be worth $3k5 anyway. Looks pretty grubby under the hood, too.
  23. yeah, Can't argue with that. My Bro has had a couple of those era oz-Mitsis (Magna and Diamante), and they're pretty indestructible. Odd how I don't immediately associate these with Mitsi. I must confess to having run an '83 Sigma wagon for a couple of years in the 90's, and apart from a starter motor, battery and tyres, oil changes and installing a decent stereo, it was an excellent beater that took us up and down the north island a few times without apetite for oil. yeah I was wondering about that too
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