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Everything posted by Olaf

  1. wow!
  2. Olaf

    Clarkson Sacked

    I watched it last night, taped (Voda cable tv box) from Prime. Dave - hey that was good news, it was indeed in HD! I thought it was pretty good, actually. Chris Evans? Well, he was being himself. Really. Everyone knows he's a bit of a knob, particularly Chris himself. I like that he's largely unapologetic about it, he has a bit of genuine about him, along with that cheezy energy. He should have a shave though. Designer stubble just becomes 'Aqualung' when your beard is more salt than pepper! I thought Matt LeBlanc was very good. He's self-assured, a confident peddler, and is a purveyor of dry new york humour. I was a bit bored with the top gun segment, though appreciated the constant nods to the movie. Sabine was relegated to being unable to beat Evans because her vette wasn't up to the Viper? Hmmm. I thought Jessie Eisenberg with Gordo was largely un-funny, despite Eisenberg's sharp wisecracks. They were wasted where Evans was fawning over Gordo. Different format, better research and questions needed. Top Trumps style pitting guests against each other? Missed opportunity! What would Parkinson think?! Anyway, the new Top Gear wasn't terrible, was pretty funny, and a change of presenters always takes time. Oh, and updating the star in a reasonably-priced car into a rallycross with the minis - brilliant! Love the sound of those Minis, too. I'm looking forward to the next one. My 0.02 worth.
  3. Talk to the recomended service agents. The trans in the e60 is significantly more complex than the earliers trans models, and has a number of 'features' (re risk points or failure modes), you'll do well to get preventative maintenance completed. Plenty of info in "so you just bought yourself an e60" - the most recent copy I have is v3.3 - do a google search and you should be able to find a copy with ease. Nice car, I drove one today myself. This example was a bit of a shitter, aircon didn't work, sunroof broken, transmission very jerky shifting into 2-3rd, and it smelt bad inside. I felt sure a good one would be a nice car. HTH
  4. Olaf

    Clarkson Sacked

    thanks Dave! I guess I shall have to be patient and watch it in low-res, fast forwarding the adverts. I'm-a-gonna look for it somewhere I can stream it in decent res. I've gone completely off broadcast TV and Sky. /rant
  5. bloody jetsetter! Time to re-shoot Goldfinger. With a BMW. Yes, sacrilege I know... the most perfect Bond film ever. It is quite awesome though, great way to appeciate its curves.
  6. gidday Greg, and welcome along. e39's rock. You should find there are Christchurch-based Bimmersporters with e39 experience, and plenty of knowledgable and helpful folk on here. top points also for adding your location to your profile, for area-specific assistance. Nice wheels too!
  7. Olaf

    Clarkson Sacked

    slightly west of(f) topic, I've just watched TG S22E8 (Netflix). Funniest TG I ever saw! Brilliant! Hammond's prize - and the way it was photographed - in the classic car challenge was superb. The lifestyle SUV challenge was par-excellence. I've just showed it to my kids and they were cracking up. Interesting to note Clarkson wailing "I hate working on Top Gear" during the river crossing section. They were tired, it needed to move on. Now, where can I watch this new season?
  8. oh. e60? I know little; have heard they do flood, that there are a number of control modules in the low-point of the floor round the back seat area, below sound deadening and carpet. e.g. - if the water's found its way in there they could be drowned. Here's hoping you're not in trouble. I think the guys at Page European have been seeing this happening on e60's, you might want to enlist their help. Here's hoping your electronics are intact. Let us know how you get on, Greg!
  9. Olaf

    Clarkson Sacked

    I gotta credit Billie with good sense, or at least coming to her senses!
  10. Hi Nathan, which stereo version is it? If MD, is the MD working okay? if it's the CD version and cosmetically excellent, I'm keen. thanks in advance...
  11. like the time I got an advisory from VTNZ from a WoF: "your oil is low, sir". "no it's not" "yes, sir, I checked your dipstick" "really? I changed my oil 2 days ago, the level was perfect" check the oil.... "you're the dipstick mate... see that groove there, that's the FULL mark." "oh". in summary, prolly a combination of e46 distick design, and the f%*king disptick reading the oil!
  12. I was going to say "congrats, Mum" #; ) parenthood. no owners manual, nothing will be the same again.... yet so *worth it*. Lucan, welcome to the club, as it were!
  13. Hi Greg suggest you try the following.... get a wet-vac. hire a rug doctor from the supermarket, including the upholstery attachment. Use this to suck as much of the moisture out of the carpet as you can. You could take the opportunity to use chems to clean the carpets while you're at it. Hire a dehumidifier from somewhere like HirePool or Projex. They usually have a few different models. lash up an extension to the hose that outputs the condensate and feed it out of the car - needs to flow downhill. With the carpets vacuumed, and a good dehumidifier in place I would expect the car to be pretty well dried out after a day or so. Once it's good and dry, then you could look at removing interior, etc etc... I can't think of the benefit of removing them while they're wet, heavy, and likely to get out of shape. I'd be looking at electrical connectors, moisture repellent, contact enhancer etc. Was it an e36?
  14. Olaf

    Clarkson Sacked

    I've not seen it yet. I'm looking forward to it. Rubix hit's the nail on the head. No sense in hating Chris Evans for being who he is! He's loud, abrasive, and waves his arms around. He's a bit of a twat. However, remember when he was a guest of Clarkson's? He came across as a pretty reasonable bloke, really. Give him a chance to settle in. He has pretty good taste too - he did marry Billie Piper after all! And he loves Fezzas. Can't be all bad. As for "failed actor". You haven't seen "Episodes", a much better comedy than Friends ever%
  15. it could be as simple as they update the list with vehicle make, model, and year of those they've granted SIV status... cheers!
  16. Yes, nice work Jamez! I hope you're not stressing in these situations; do know that we appreciate everything you do, and if it's off air, we know you're doing what you can when you have time. Patiently waiting, sending good karma your way! This place can't run without the support of those who run hosting kit. Andy, very generous of you to volunteer some kit.
  17. I'd suggest you swing by Page European. There's an upholsterers just by them that I'd be very surprised if they didn't work together... if Page's can't do it, they'll send you somewhere who can. I don't envy your position mate.
  18. brilliant. ISTR most of the NA plates were Wellington, yeah? Love the wheels, brilliant on the e28. What are they, Brent? They could be just the go for BarryN's e28.
  19. Olaf

    Un Ping!

    ++yay. I too remember your thread, really stoked you've gotten it sorted. Over the next few years no doubt that $3k will pay you back in spades - it's not much in the scheme of things. Some people spend that on wheels any tyres, and most spend easily triple that in first years depreciation on a new car. Looking forward to seeing more of your e28.
  20. that's a bloody rip-off. Most companies in USA offer free freight within the lower 48 if you spend over $50. search myus.com/visa promotion ergo, buy someone else's footrest.
  21. I think they're the bomb on e46 and e90, they look (from your image above) rather good on e87. PS - how come you're not signed up for today's Wellington meetup? PPS - which carpark? Shell Gully (under the motorway)... I think it's called Clifton Carpark? bit of local history - Shell House (now Transpower Building) was the first office block built on the terrace. When they were building the motorway in the late 60s-70's, the gully through which it was built was known 'Shell Gully'. right, move on, nothing to see here.
  22. nice one Luke, looks good in the flesh - walked past it in a carpark last week and thought 'yeah those wheels are really working'.
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