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Everything posted by Olaf

  1. Welcome, Adrian. Nice looking wagon! Do subscribe to the Wellington Meetings room, be great to see you at any of the meetups in welly that we organise from time to time. More e60/e61 love!
  2. Olaf

    Not a M Sport but..

    nice work, Kyu. So this was in preference to your 130i? We need a road-test write up man, scoop us in on what its like to change from one to the other!
  3. yep, that's what I'd be doing.
  4. I also dropped by RPM records in Wellington - 20% off all weekend - while I was out running errands with #1 Son. Treated myself to two new albums. The new LCD Soundsystem alb, and Villains by Queens of the Stone Age. Fizzing that's what it's all about.
  5. my family has just given me father's day present early. I've enjoyed a glass of Rockburn pinot noir, and watched Ghost in the Shell on Blu Ray with my family. life is grand. May not be everyone's cup of tea, I really buzzed out on the movie.
  6. welcome, Borig! (Tate) you shouldn't take long long to find your next bimmer, there's one on every corner and a half dozen in between, in Auckland! Enjoy Bimmersport, there's plenty to read here, and many meet ups organised.
  7. hey come on man, they match my hair!
  8. Welcome, Shane! Great to see another e60 join the melee. You should find this a pretty helpful place, with a ton of useful info and camaraderie. You should check out the Wellington Meetings room. Consider subscribing, so you don't miss any of the events/trips/meetups. We're becoming more and more active down here, and have also re-envigorated the wellington chapter of the BMW Car Club NZ.
  9. 1. your BMW dealer. Or, your friendly BMW specialist wrecker. They do fail though (as you're finding), so do be sure to find one with plenty of life in it. 2. cowl is on-piece, moulding the ABS with the soft rubberised seal that sits on the screen edge. 3. Are you sitting down? Last time I purchased one (4 or 5 years ago?) it was a bit over $300 incl GST. BMW Car Club NZ members get a parts discount on production of their membership card at BMW dealers. Hope that helps.
  10. would I steer you wrong? When I've run out of my current stock, I'll be talking to Barry. I previously used Meguiars, and one clay bar was good for several cars. My experience reflects Barry's '8-10 cars'. I seriously doubt you'd go through a whole (or even a quarter) clay bar kit doing the e28, even if it had lived under a motorway flyover by a garden centre for three years. As Barry notes, a little goes a long way. And you have a ton of options. Plus: pics, or your washing of the e28 didn't happen!
  11. welcome! sell the simca, keep the corolla & squirt fishoil into every crevice and seam you can, and it should last forever. bulletproof drivetrain, rust was their nemesis. e30 manual 6cyl coupe? have you deep pockets, and a love of scene tax? they're a good car, but rather inflated pricewise in todays market. buy an e46 instead, better car, better value!
  12. @EURO V12 sorry to hear that, man. come on crew, who's gonna scoop this legendary 5er up, and give it some TLC?
  13. It's paint surface contaminants. you remove it with clay and lube. The clay mitt or towel is another gimmick; some like it, I'm unimpressed. Is there any more I can say? You can lead a horse to water...
  14. You're asking the right man. This (or a variant of it) should be the ticket: http://barrysgarage.co.nz/product/autoglym-surface-detailing-clay-kit/
  15. Lucan did because there's a little faffing around to get em out and back in again.
  16. and it's got this: 337 M Sport Package
  17. Which brand arms did you get, @Lucan?
  18. welcome back. how far did your travels extend, in the end?
  19. if you guys haven't seen it, Chickenhawk is very well worth the read.
  20. I just added that to my reading list, cheers!
  21. Olaf

    E39 2000 540i Msport

    looking forward to seeing this one, Adro!
  22. Olaf

    e46 v8 wagon

    tidy work, Nathan! Subscribed. Looking forward to seeing this thread develop. I'm picking it's a retrospective, that we're catching up with where you've gotten to?
  23. nice work, Greg! I'll award you the 'best of both worlds' prize!
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