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Ghost Chip

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Everything posted by Ghost Chip

  1. Wow they’re definitely up there!
  2. @E30 325i Rag-Top I’m more gutted that the car has reached that state. I hope that whoever buys it restores it to its former glory!
  3. Curious as to why it didn’t work out?
  4. Tech 1? Definitely would’ve picked that up. I’m glad it went or our neighbour’s landlord would be even more pissed that we have more cars out.
  5. I can’t really control how people perceive what I’ve written down 🤷🏽‍♂️. I don’t think I can be any clearer without being redundant, and plus we’re going really off-topic here, so I’ll leave it at that. Although I am a bit curious as to what happened in your rollover. Just lost traction randomly or wet roads or ?
  6. If @Dan GH is after sedan or is not keen at all, I would be keen on that @bga.
  7. @Olaf Fair point. While inherently I find nothing wrong with drifting, I wasn’t at all endorsing for everyone to go out there and do skids/drift. I was merely just saying that what was done in the gif is something else to someone doing donuts. I’m glad that you got out fine, many others are not so lucky.
  8. Yup, and one looks like they got thrown inside the cabin and their head popped out of the rear window. @jon dee Very true. Although, I do think that drifting in a car that has a roll cage, or even just drifting in a car, is way different than doing skids on a ute that has a (?) couch on the bed/tray with multiple people on it. I would’ve got them to buy a lotto ticket if they only went home with scrapes and bruises 😂
  9. @jon dee that’s such a disturbing gif. Did anyone survive?
  10. Thanks team! I’ll be going back and forth to see which one I’ll get I’m sure haha
  11. Thanks everyone for the input and tips. For those that recommended other brands, where did you guys buy them from? They don’t seem to be in the common major stores (Bunnings, mitre 10, etc.)
  12. Haven’t heard of Bahco before. I just use Stanley
  13. Admins please move the thread if inappropriate here. What’s everyone using for their torque wrench? Any reviews of particular brands? Looking to invest in a lifelong tool so durability will be preferred. Thinking that I don’t need to get all 3 sizes, so maybe just 1/2” and either 1/4” or 3/8” - thoughts?? Will be looking at using at anything from wheel nuts to engine rebuilding. Cheers!
  14. When a joke backfires. Shows my limited knowledge on these cars. Didn’t know they were going for that much @E30 325i Rag-Top . Learned something new today. Cheers!
  15. Is that a filter to make the photo look old? They look like current pricing nowadays.
  16. Maybe an unpopular opinion but I can actually see the design inspiration and can admire how they’ve interpreted that on the car. It definitely has the modern architecture vibe. Whether or not it should’ve been done is a topic for another time. In saying that, I’m still not a big fan of the front grilles and also, the surface area of the front/rear bumpers vs the lights just looks off for some reason. A more interesting thought would be what car/design will determine the new trend. At the moment, the design and colour of cars in the last decade or two (excluding supercars) have been quite boring honestly (which is why I’ve resorted to buying an older car). So, as much as this is such a weird design, it’d be interesting to see how this gets refined and which aspects will stick and which ones will get thrown in the bin. I vote that the grilles get thrown. I also wonder if making everything electric/digital will lead to a decrease in the life cycle of a vehicle, just like how most (if not all) smartphones are quite literally built to not last. That will be quite interesting as it will be as detrimental to the environment that we’re “trying to save” by going EV. We already have a lot of waste as it is.
  17. I quite like the colour of the paint and the interior. Definitely has that classic look. I feel like a Nardi wood grain steering wheel would pair nicely with this setup.
  18. Thanks mate! The front and rear valances will need to be restored properly when it gets stripped as they’re not looking great even from the immense scrubbing. From what I could see, mostly just the same as all the other crevices, mould, mildew, and moss. I think even a cockroach jumped out. Do you know how it could possibly have been fitted? Keen to rip em off.
  19. Haven’t been able to do too much lately but probably worth updating where I’m stuck on as I’m planning to strip it down soon as well. Main issue at the moment has been the overheating when idling too long. Got some help figuring out if the fan actually spun if it had power. It definitely works so will just need to make a manual switch temporarily until I get a bigger one as this fan is tiny! Unfortunately, I didn’t grab any materials before level 4 so stuck with nothing at the moment. Just like an animal that’s been rescued, this little beast needed a bit of cleaning. I made the mistake of not taking photos of how bad the state of the car had been. While photos from far away looks good. It looked like it literally hadn’t been cleaned in years. So just think mould/mildew/moss in every crevice and a lot of random (?) stains on the outside. Managed to coax the sister to help out with the reward of washing her car too. After a lot of scrubbing, blasting with a garden hose, and soap, we managed to get pretty much all of what we can reach. But wasn’t happy with the water stains and some mild oxidation of the paint so decided to give it a polish while we’re there. A lot of polish and elbow grease later and she’s brighter than most people’s future. Very satisfying.
  20. https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-3231701007.htm Unsure what tourings are going for now but seems like a good pick up and maybe repower in the future! Wish I had cash to spare.
  21. Surely that would go for at least $350!
  22. Afghanistan is becoming a war zone, Haiti is having earthquakes, wildfires in a few cities around the world, NSW’s cases are blowing up, and this is what New Zealand is doing over lockdown.
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